Friday, September 21, 2012

The Elegant Answer to all Theological Questions

In a Friday morning learning group, we were sitting this morning and learning over the ma'aseh of Nakdimon ben Gurion in Ta'anis 19b. The members of the group were struggling with the issues the episode raises - viz., was Nakdimon relying on a miracle, why did he have to daven, why did Hashem answer so late, etc. - issues of bitachon, hashgacha and tefilla. Weighty stuff.

In responding to one of the questions as to why things couldn't just go right from the onset, one of the erudite members of the group, Reb David Bockman, said, simply:

"But then there is no story."

I was blown away. Those simple six words answer all the questions. When I expressed that response at first the other members thought I was being facetious. But I was, and am, not.

Think about it...

Google Hangout/You Tube Shiur Motzoei Shabbos Vayeileich

מוצש"ק פרשת וילך-שובה, היאהרצייט של אא"ז הג"ר דב יהודה שחט זצ"ל אור לז' תשרי תשע"ג

This Motzo'ei Shabbos, 
The night following 6 Tishrei
Sep 22nd 

11:00 pm EDT

The yahrzeit of my grandfather,

Rabbi Dov Yehuda Schochet zt"l

From Telshe to Chabad,

 My Grandfather's Saga

מטלז לחב"ד, דרכו של סבא

Invitations to the Hangout will go out shortly before the shiur via Google+.
Simulcast live at

To join by conference call:

Dial: (209) 647-1600
Access Code: 435678#

Additional Help

Joining the Conference - At the scheduled date and time of the conference call, dial the conference line and enter the access code followed by the pound sign when prompted.

Thank you for using!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Live Google Hangout Shiur this Motzoei Shabbos, Erev Rosh HaShanah

Live Google Hangout Shiur
this Motzoei Shabbos, 
Erev Rosh HaShanah
11:00 pm EDT
מוצש"ק פרשת נצבים
אור לער"ה תשע"ג

Erev Rosh HaShanah Ruminations
הרהורים לקראת ראש השנה

Invitations to the Hangout will go out shortly before the shiur via Google+.
Simulcast live at

Also next Motzo'ei Shabbos, The night following 6 Tishrei 
(yahrzeit of my grandfather, Rabbi Dov Yehuda Schochet zt"l)
11:00 pm EDT
מוצש"ק פרשת וילך-שובה, היאהרצייט של אא"ז הג"ר דב יהודה שחט זצ"ל אור לז' תשרי תשע"ג

From Telshe to Chabad, My Grandfather's Saga
מטלז לחב"ד, דרכו של סבא

Inspirational Quote for Us Fifty-Year-Olds

One day young George [Patton III] heard sobs emanating from his father [Gen. George S. Patton Jr.]’s study. He knocked on the door and asked what was the matter. Patton pointed to a book sitting open on his desk. “Napoleon was a general at the age of twenty-six, and here I am, at the age of fifty, only a lieutenant colonel.” The son left, knowing the anguish would soon pass.

Sunday, September 02, 2012

For Barry: The Value of Kabbalah

This is a long conversation, but that's not necessarily a reason not to begin.

One of our problems in Yahadus is how to relate to Hashem, with Whom - with the exception of Nevi'im - humans cannot experience a tangible relationship (for this purpose, one that takes place via one of the five senses).

There are many reasons why one would want to pursue such a relationship. Perhaps most importantly, because our relationships with the other humans (and non-humans) are supposed to be in emulation of our relationships with Hashem.

Kabbalah, with its Sefiriotic system, provides us with tools by which to appreciate our relationships with Hashem - and also with tools by which we can recreate those relationships in our interpersonal interactions.

Kabbalah also deepens our understandings of the roles played by great human figures. Thus, the correlations of the seven lower ("emotional") sefiros to seven great leaders grants us both a more profound understanding of their personalities - and their personalities in turn grant us a more profound understanding of the modes of relationship they each represent.

That's just a conversation-opener...