Friday, February 28, 2020

Rischa D'Oraysa Erev Shabbos Weekly Podcast #9

Myself and my esteemed chaver,

 This week about the Israeli Elections.

Last week (#8),
 on same-gender marriage ceremonies.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Zmanim Part 3: Hours of the Day

A Toras Dovid (formerly Ohr Somayach) shiur. Includes discussions of sha'os zemaniyos, zmanei tefillah, plag haminchah and tartei d'sasrei.

Minhag Avoseihem b'Yedeihem as per the Yerushalmi Eruvin part 1

Tenth in a series (IYH) on Minhag Avoseihem b'Yedeihem/Al Teshanu Min ha'Minhag. The shiur is the first part of an analysis of the Yerushalmi in Eruvin.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Zmanim Continued: Halacha and Science

A Toras Dovid (formerly Ohr Somayach) shiur. 

A focus on Rabbeinu Tam's position. 

An overview of Chazal, Halacha, Science, Medicine 
and related issues.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Seeking Eruv Pictures for the Fourth Edition

Does anyone have (or can get/take) pictures of pasul scenarios?
(Lechayayim, karpeifos, etc.?)
No need to identify the eruv of which they are a part! 
Would like to include examples in my fourth edition.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Sunrise, Sunset, Swiftly Flow the Zmanim

A Toras Dovid (formerly Ohr Somayach) shiur on


Alos HaShachar, Me'shayakir, 
Chatzos, Sheki'ah, Tzeis HaKokhavim.


Sunday, February 09, 2020

A Revolutionary Teshuvah from the Cairo Genizah on Yom Tov Sheni, Ninth, Tenth, and all 10 parts combined

Ninth, Tenth, and all 10 parts combined in a series on a teshuvah from the Cairo Genizah on Minhag Avoseihem b'Yedeihem/Al Teshanu Min ha'Minhag.

You can find the teshuvah at:

 Part 9:

Part 10:

 All ten parts combined: