Thursday, October 28, 2021

New Series! The Heter Mechirah for Shemittah according to Rav Zevin part 1

Rabbi Shlomo Yosef Zevin zt"l

New Series! The Heter Mechirah for Shemittah according to Rav Zevin part 1

Rav Shlomo Yosef Zevin zt"l's discourse on the Heter Mechirah. This essay is in לאור ההלכה, and also at

Picture of my Grandfather זצ"ל

One of my cousins, who is the unofficial curator of the family photos, posted this picture today in our family WhatsApp group. He related that it hangs in the Danilack Middle School of the Associated Hebrew Schools, the current location of the predecessor school, where the picture was taken. For me it was particularly moving and meaningful, as it is my grandfather at more or less the age I am now at, doing more or less what I do every day.

There's an earlier picture of my grandfather teaching a class at Although the caption on that picture states it was taken in Toronto in 1954, it is almost certainly from Switzerland or Holland some years before that. Rather, the late 50's/early 60's are actually the time frame of the picture in this post, as evidenced by how my grandfather looks in this picture from 1957: (first row, fourth from right).

Friday, October 15, 2021

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

New Series! Da'as Chochmo U'Mussar of Reb Yerucham, Ma'amar 1

A new series on ma'amarim in the

Chever Ma'amarim,
Da'as Chochmo U'mussar

of Reb Yerucham Levovitz zt"l
Mashgiach in the Mir Yeshiva in Europe

An edition of the sefer can be found at