Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Why is history your most important subject (including limudei kodesh)? Why is Jewish History essential to Yahadus?

Opening Day - 
Most of the Answers Were Given by Students

Why is history your most important subject (including limudei kodesh)?

Why is Jewish History essential to Yahadus?

  1. Know the past so as to combat lies.
  2. Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.
  3. זכור ימות עולם בינו שנות דור ודור - Remember the days of the world, understand the years of the generations.
  4. למען תספר לדור אחרון - In order to tell future generations.
  5. To appreciate how we got here.
  6. The Kuzari: Our religion is proved by history - מסורה.
  7. Everything tracks back to history.
  8. Appreciate what we have.
  9. Knowledge is cool.
  10. Yahadus is based on history and vice versa - seeing the Yad Hashem.
  11. Why? [Understanding the why's.]
Of course, we elaborated on these reasons.
I have to add tomorrow מעשה אבות סימן לבנים.

I also showed a brief video on the Ship of Theseus. For the class from which I took these answers, I left the relevance for tomorrow,


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