Friday, March 31, 2023

Two Quick Insights on the Hagada

I was asked by some talmidos to share a Dvar Torah on the Hagada. The
video below consists of two brief insights on the Hagada.


  1. Your talmidos are from what institution?

  2. About #2: Could also be yir'as hacheit. An unhappy marriage runs on yir'as ha'onesh; the husband is scared to act lest his wife gets angry and exacts revenge. Yir'as hacheit is a withdrawal, but motivated by love. Refusing to do something the wife doesn't want because he loves her and doesn't want to do something she doesn't want. עזה רצונו כרצונך seems to describe yir'as hacheit perfectly. The Ramchal calls it an aspect.of.yir'as haRomemus, but I don't know R Tzadoq on yor'ah enough to know how / if it fits. Chassidus and Nussar seem to have very different treatments.of.yir'ah.

    1. If you read בעקבות היראה they are not that different. But you are right, יראת חטא is something in its own category.
