Wednesday, May 08, 2024

Planning for Reb Avrohom Eliyahu Kaplan זצ"ל זי"ע's 100th Yahrzeit, 15 Iyar, Wednesday Evening, May 22

Updated information is at:

I will be sharing this post widely, to cast as large a net as possible.

Planning for
Reb Avrohom Eliyahu Kaplan זצ"ל זי"ע's
100th Yahrzeit
15 Iyar, Wednesday Evening, May 22

I would like to organize an event to commemorate Reb Avrohom Elya's upcoming 100th yahrzeit on 15 Iyar, Wednesday Evening, May 22. Please let me know if you could participate in person (I would assume at my shul in Monsey, unless someone has a better suggestion), or virtually (presumably by Zoom or Google Meet).

If you know someone in Berlin who can visit the kever on our behalf, please let me know.

If and when I have some responses and input, I will share more details and plans, probably next week.

Links to material on Reb Avrohom Elya are at:


  1. In preparation for the 100th yahrzeit I added a link to a flipbook of the HaNe'eman memorial journal. It's now the first link in the post. Please note that the pages in this flipbook go from left to right. The source is at

  2. there will be a minyan at his kever on the Yahrtzeit, here in Berlin, as there is every year, made up of the talmidim of the Rabbinerseminar

    1. I don't know about every year, but I am told that this year Rabbi Moshe Mordechai Farbstein of Chevron Yeshiva will give a shiur and divrei zikaron and direct descendant of Reb Ezriel Hildesheimer. Meir Hildesheimer, will be giving a lecture.
