Monday, July 29, 2024

Rischa D'Araisa Season 9 Episode 23: Shluchei D'Rachmana - God's Flawed Agents: Pharaohs, Kings, Presidents and Prime Ministers


Rischa D'Araisa Season 9 Episode 23:

Shluchei D'Rachmana - God's Flawed Agents:

Pharaohs, Kings, Presidents and Prime Ministers

Please click on this link to contribute whatever you can to keep this podcast on the air: 

With downloads approaching the million mark-and an archival library numbering in the thousands, the Yeshiva of Newark Podcast has been striving to continuously upgrade our content, and professionalize our audio sound, along with altering approaches in light of much appreciated listener feedback. 

A niche has been carved out that resonates with many on the wide spectrum of Observant Jews. 

This explains why we continually rank high in independent on-line lists of top Yeshiva podcasts. 

 This proud edifice is in real danger of toppling and disappearing. 

We need the help of our listeners to continue to record and edit, and to promote a product that has been a balm and instructive to so many. 

 Just 36 dollars, a minimum donation, from a thousand of you out there will keep us afloat as a New Ark of straight, intelligent, and humorous discussion, lectures, debate and inquiry - while the destructive waters of ignorance and politics crash around us..

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Ta'arich (That's An Arabic Word!): Writing Dates in Hebrew (The Gates of the Jewish Calendar part 37)

Ta'arich (That's An Arabic Word!):
Writing Dates in Hebrew

 (The Gates of the Jewish Calendar part 37)

The many, many ways to write a date in Hebrew.
And, yes, תאריך comes from the Arabic תאריח.

Subsequent shiurim in this series will be listed in the comments here.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Rav Kook for People who are not Adherents of Rav Kook's Thought: Orot part 14

Yisroel U'Techiyaso 4-5
In answer to my challenge (while we were learning) what are we getting out of this, my chevrusa responded (after we finished learning):

"Rav Yosef. A few thoughts about Orot. As someone who has learned Mussar and tried to use the techniques and practical advice of the various pathways in Mussar I have always been focused on the practical aspects of Mussar which can help us to change and improve ourselves modify our behaviors elevate our spiritual connections to Hashem, etc. Anything which doesn't have some conclusion I can use for personal change and improvements really has not been of much interest to me.

"In Orot we have a discussion of only Ideas. Conceptualism and ephemera without a practical connection. So I guess as Mussarniks, we must ask ourselves: Is there any value or purpose for these essays? Do pure theoretical investigations offer us a pathway to understanding ourselves or the world in a different way? I don't know the answer to this question and it may be different for each person. I can only say that when I read sublime poetry I may not know what is really being said, but I still am able to recognize its Inner Light."
Good response!

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Cowardly vs. Courageous Mussar - A Critique by Reb Avrohom Elya Kaplan zt"l

Translation of Reb Avrohom Elya's important critique of some adherents of Mussar. 

Written by RAEK around the same times as he wrote Shak'ah Chamah, at the age of 17, so I would assume shortly after leaving Kelm and arriving in Slabodka. 

The translation is by Jeremy Rovinsky.
It is a free translation, not 100% literal. For example, RAEK speaks about rabbits, not ostriches. 


Zohar Al Pi Pshat Day 55. 6b: 150-120: Moshe Rabbeinu's Lost 30 Years

Another good example of attempting to learn Zohar HaKodosh al pi pshat. The 30 years is extremely cryptic. Most of the Meforshim learn them as a reference to חג"ת. I saw someone who linked them to the 30 years in the first pasuk in Yechezkel. But thanks to Google I found an amazing Ksav V'Kabbalah in the name of the Gra which I think may be the most elegant and simplest pshat. BH.

The Ksav v'Kabbalah mentioned in reference to the 30 years. הכתב והקבלה דברים ל"ד:ז (ז) מאה ועשרים שנה – אמרי' (שבת נ"ה ב') אף משה ואהרן בחטאם מתו שנאמר יען לא האמנתם בי, הא האמנתם בי עדיין לא הגיע זמנם להפטר מן העולם. ואמר הגר"א לפי שהיה משה תרומתו של עולם, והבינוני אחד מחמשים, ועולה מן קיום העולם שהוא ששת אלפים שנה אחד מחמשים ימי חייו של משה מאה ועשרים שנה, ואילמלא מי מריבה היה נותנים בעין יפה אחד מארבעים ואז היו שנותיו מאה וחמשים. לכן ויבכו עליו שלשים יום נגד שלשים שנה שנטלו ממנו, יום לשנה. The Gra is in the Aderes Eliyahu to Devarim there, a drop more expansive, but not much.

I also found a Chasam Sofer in Nedarim 37a: פסל לך. איתא בגמרא לעיל (דף ל"ח ע"א) אמר רבי יוסי בר חנינא (בתחילה) לא ניתנה התורה אלא למשה ולזרעו שנאמר כתב לך פסל לך, מה פסולתן שלך אף כתיבתן שלך, ומשה נהג בה טובת עין ונתנה לישראל [כו'] שנאמר טוב עין הוא יבורך וגו'. מתיב רב חסדא וכו'. ומסיק אלא פלפולא בעלמא (פי' רש"י נתן לו למשה והוא נהג בו טובת עין לישראל). והנה הפלפול לכאורה צורך גדול הוא למי אשר לא יאמין את כל הנאמר בעל פה צריך להוציאו לו ע"י פלפול מקרא, אלא שישראל הם מאמינים בני מאמינים ולא היו צריכים לזה כמ"ש הר"ן בשמעתין מקרא וגם בך יאמינו לעולם, ולא מסר להם הפלפול אלא מטובת עין. וישבתי בזה מדרש פ' וילך הן קרבו ימיך למות (בהן נתבשר משה שימות) הואיל ואמר והן לא יאמינו לי. והענין כי מרע"ה חי ק"כ שנים כתרומתו של עולם שהוא שית אלפי שני, והיינו כתרומת עין בינוני אחד מחמשים, ואמנם היותו טוב עין (כדדרשינן הכא הקרא טוב עין הוא יבורך על משה רבינו ע"ה), א"כ תרומתו אחד מארבעים והיה לו לחיות ק"ן שנים אלא הואיל ואמר והן לא יאמינו לי וחשד ישראל באינם מאמינים א"כ לפי דבריו הוצרך למסור להם פלפול התורה להאמין להם דברי תורה שבעל פה ולא מטובת עין ע"כ כלה זמנו סוף ק"כ שנה:

Friday, July 19, 2024

Rischa D'Araisa Season 9 Episode 21: Trump Escapes Death: Assassinations Shape History


Rischa D'Araisa Season 9 Episode 21:

Trump Escapes Death:

Assassinations Shape History

Please click on this link to contribute whatever you can to keep this podcast on the air: 

With downloads approaching the million mark-and an archival library numbering in the thousands, the Yeshiva of Newark Podcast has been striving to continuously upgrade our content, and professionalize our audio sound, along with altering approaches in light of much appreciated listener feedback. 

A niche has been carved out that resonates with many on the wide spectrum of Observant Jews.  This explains why we continually rank high in independent on-line lists of top Yeshiva podcasts.  This proud edifice is in real danger of toppling and disappearing.  We need the help of our listeners to continue to record and edit, and to promote a product that has been a balm and instructive to so many.   Just 36 dollars, a minimum donation, from a thousand of you out there will keep us afloat as a New Ark of straight, intelligent, and humorous discussion, lectures, debate and inquiry - while the destructive waters of ignorance and politics crash around us.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

The Alleged Incident Between the The Frierdiker Rebbe and Reb Aharon Kotler Over Shor SheNogach Es HaPoroh

There is much Torah she'b'al Peh about an alleged incident in which the Frierdiker Lubavitcher Rebbe, the Rayatz, asserted something to the effect of the main import of Gemaros such as that concerning an ox goring a cow and the ramifications being in the realm of Sisrei Torah, not in the realm of Nigleh, as that is too mundane a matter for primary concern. And that Reb Aharon Kotler responded vehemently as to the primary concern of Torah being the practice and conduct of people in their daily lives.

Last week I mentioned in a podcast that I had never been able to track down anything concrete on this contretemps (

With the help of my cousin, Rabbi Chaim Schochet of Monsey, today I finally found out why nothing concrete ever emerged. Because the actual battle took place between the editor of a publication that was close to Chabad, but did not represent the Rebbe himself, and Reb Shlomo Hyman of Torah VoDa'as.

Here is a brief description from Yeshurun, vol. 8 (

A more extensive discussion of the incident can be found in an article on Academia
(סקירה_כללית_על_הקריאה_והקדושה_docx) by שלום פופר. This is an excerpt from the article (enlarge the images to read):
The author's clarification that the Rayatz himself was not happy with the article, and that the editor of HaKeri'ah V'Ha'Kedushah was not an actual Chabad Chasid are very significant.

The date of the contretemps, towards the end of 1940, essentially precludes any association with Reb Aharon Kotler, who was still in Europe at the time. The involvement of Reb Yoshe Ber Soloveitchik is very interesting!

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Rav Kook and Modern Orthodoxy: Orot part 13

Rav Kook and Modern Orthodoxy
Growing Up In West Hempstead

Rav Kook for People who are not Adherents of Rav Kook's Thought:

Orot part 13: Yisroel U'Techiyaso #3

Links to subsequent segments will appear in the comments here.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Rischa D'Araisa Season 9 Episode 20: Fearless Leader and Visionary: Marking the 30th Yahrzeit of the Lubavitcher Rebbe zt"l


Rischa D'Araisa Season 9 Episode 20:
Fearless Leader and Visionary:
Marking the 30th Yahrzeit of the Lubavitcher Rebbe zt"l

Please click on this link to contribute whatever you can to keep this podcast on the air: 

With downloads approaching the million mark-and an archival library numbering in the thousands, the Yeshiva of Newark Podcast has been striving to continuously upgrade our content, and professionalize our audio sound, along with altering approaches in light of much appreciated listener feedback. 

A niche has been carved out that resonates with many on the wide spectrum of Observant Jews.  This explains why we continually rank high in independent on-line lists of top Yeshiva podcasts.  This proud edifice is in real danger of toppling and disappearing.  We need the help of our listeners to continue to record and edit, and to promote a product that has been a balm and instructive to so many.   Just 36 dollars, a minimum donation, from a thousand of you out there will keep us afloat as a New Ark of straight, intelligent, and humorous discussion, lectures, debate and inquiry - while the destructive waters of ignorance and politics crash around us.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Zohar Al Pi Pshat Day 48. 6a: The Donkey Driver And Kis vs. Yesh

Please forgive a slight pat on my own back. 
I think this is a good example of what I am trying to do with this series.

Monday, July 08, 2024

Shiur on Pi Shnayim, Makkirei Kehunah, Ra'ui and Muchzak (Bava Basra 123b-124a)

A "lomdishe" shiur given at the Belzer Kollel in Monsey on the basis of the Bigdei Shesh on Bava Basra siman 35.

Upcoming Trip to Israel

 We will be in Israel IYH from 4-24 Menachem Av, Aug. 8-28, for my father-in-law a"h's yahrzeit and a nephew's wedding. If anyone is interested in getting together, or perhaps even in a shiur or something, please be in touch and we shall see if and what we can do!

Arukh HaShulchan Day 1500!!! YD 289.1-9


Note that the recording is precisely 15:00 minutes!
We have been זוכה to סייעתא דשמיא,
הלוואי הלאה! Thanks to Reb Micha Berger, my שותף at The Aishdas Society, for founding the AhS Yomi!

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Rischa D'Araisa Season 9 Episode 19: Lessons from Biden's Debate Debacle: Can We Draw a Line for Our Gedolim?

Rischa D'Araisa Season 9 Episode 19:

Lessons from Biden's Debate Debacle: 

Can We Draw a Line for Our Gedolim?

Please click on this link to contribute whatever you can to keep this podcast on the air: 

With downloads approaching the million mark-and an archival library numbering in the thousands, the Yeshiva of Newark Podcast has been striving to continuously upgrade our content, and professionalize our audio sound, along with altering approaches in light of much appreciated listener feedback. 

A niche has been carved out that resonates with many on the wide spectrum of Observant Jews. 

This explains why we continually rank high in independent on-line lists of top Yeshiva podcasts. 

 This proud edifice is in real danger of toppling and disappearing. 

We need the help of our listeners to continue to record and edit, and to promote a product that has been a balm and instructive to so many. 

 Just 36 dollars, a minimum donation, from a thousand of you out there will keep us afloat as a New Ark of straight, intelligent, and humorous discussion, lectures, debate and inquiry - while the destructive waters of ignorance and politics crash around us. 

Kiddush Levanah, Mevorchim Chodesh and Kiddush HaChodesh (The Gates of the Jewish Calendar part 35)

Kiddush Levanah,
Mevorchim Chodesh
Kiddush HaChodesh

(The Gates of the Jewish Calendar part 35)

Subsequent shiurim in this series will be listed in the comments here.