Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Emes Ve-Emunah: Atheists and Morality

Emes Ve-Emunah: Atheists and Morality

Another conversation about ethics and religion.


  1. A really really really good set of shiurim on this subject is given by Rabbi Gottlieb on his website. They are the 13 principles/emunah series starting with shiur number 13 or so.

    He shows that the notion that G-d creates morality by His command is not logical, and that rather G-d reveals to us what good morals are. (And of course gives us a minimum standard through halachah).

    The web site is

  2. Is there any signifigance to Yerushalmi begining on daf Aleph versus Beis like Bavli? Also os there any halacha resources who adress the obeisty surgery and the halachos there after shiur achila kiddush and so on thanks

  3. Al pi nigleh, the discrepancy is merely a printer's difference. Al pi remez, the Bavli is beis corresponding to Bereishis - berias ha'olam, while the Y-mi is aleph corresponding to Mattan Torah (Anochi). V'idach zil gemor.

    I think obesity surgery is too new for there to be substantial teshuvos on the topic. I think the only shiur that changes may be kdei sevi'a for Birkas HaMazon d'orysa.
