Sunday, April 17, 2016

R' Noah Weinberg's Lakewood Seminar

Best Seminar on Judaism Ever!
A mother-lode I have been mining for over 30 years!

6-Part Kiruv Training_ RNW

From the Aish blurb - 100% true!

Kiruv Training  Seminar by Rabbi Noah Weinberg zt"l 
 This 6-talk series was presented to the advanced rabbinical students of Lakewood Yeshiva, New Jersey. The sessions focus on the full array of issues raised by today's questioning youth. This is probably Rabbi Weinberg's most comprehensive explanation of the principles of kiruv - and is considered his most brilliant performance.

Update, in response to a comment: The policy at is that your first five downloads are free. So, if you download the series from the link above, and have not previously used up your free downloads from aishaudio, you are not causing them any loss of profit for the first five parts. For the sixth part you should pay. I myself bought the tapes years ago, and I believe that it is Halachically permissible, once you have paid for the series once, to download it again in other forms.


  1. I would chazer this now. Anyone know where to get it?

  2. In the post, click on "6-Part Kiruv Training_ RNW" and it will take you to a zip file of the whole series.

  3. It is an amazing series which I listened to countless times over the years. The companion series given in Aish during which the same techniques and ideas are taught to baalei teshuva is also highly recommended. (is that one also available to download?) I would go back between the two series many times in yeshiva and kollel. Rav Weinberg's energy and charisma was amazing.

    1. I didn't know there was a companion series! If you find it, please let me know!

    2. It was a series of 4 tapes officially branded by Aish. I imagine they sell it on their site. It was so interesting hearing him asking questions during the class and the students giving the exact answers he said they would in the Lakewood series!

  4. btw, Aish used to sell this series. They've made it freely available now?

    1. Aish still does.,This may not be an authorized repackaging.

    2. I don't mean to be chutzpadik, but if you know Aish still sells this and you aren't sure it's an authorized upload, shouldn't you check first and remove the link until verified? That would seem to be a basic din...

  5. R' Bechhofer, I miss your shiurim. Time to get you on TorahAnytime (I realize you have podcasts here, but TA can't be beat for reach/ease of use). Can you get one of your chasidim to work it out? I'm serious:) Please let me know: Gut Shabbos:)

    1. I agree with Yaakov! TA used to have over 150 of your classes (and I've heard most of them a few times) but it seems they now only have 12

  6. Gevaldik! I'll be watching for shiurim... Thanks:)

  7. Rabbi, TA's still only got 12. Your chasid, whomever you chose, is slacking. At least he's mekayem "hapoalim leitzim" (they say I descend from Berditchev, so I'm trying to be melamed z'chus). Please find another chasid pronto (or start giving more shiurim)! Thanks and looking forward...

  8. OY! I meant 'atzeilim' (I'm such a bashoova!) See what's happening to me without your shiurim?! Please, Rabbi, mach schnel... ;)
