Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Yerushalmi Megillah Daf 27a-b and 34a

Megillah Daf 27a-b and 34a

Dvar Hashem Me’Yerushalmi Megillah

Yerushalmi Megillah 27a is the source of reciting the names of the ten sons of Haman in Megillas Esther in one breath - “b’nefichah achas.

The Yerushalmi there decides that when going up for an aliyah the oleh should have the Sefer Torah opened, see where the reading will commence, and immediately begin BarechuHe should not close it before making the berachosThe poskim add that he should look slightly to the side, so that it does not look like the berachos are written in the Sefer Torah and that he is reading them from there.

Yerushalmi Megillah 27b does not employ the phrase of the Bavli for one who listens to a reading fulfilling an obligation thereby – shomei’a k’onehone who listens it is as if he responded – but shomei’a as if he read himself.

The Yerushalmi there says that one must stand in the presence of a Sefer Torahfor if one stands in the presence of her (the Sefer Torah’s) child (“benah”), i.e., – a Torah sage – one must certainly stand before her herself. The Mashbiach says that this Yerushalmi is the source of the term “Ben Torah.”

At the end of the mesechta, the Yerushalmi Megillah 34a inquires as to which mitzvah takes precedence, tefillin or mezuzah. At one point the Yerushalmi argues that tefillin take precedence, because the mitzvah to don tefillin applies to travelers at sea and in a desert, whereas the mitzvah of mezuzah does not. From here we see that one does not fulfill the mitzvah of mezuzah by having it on one’s door alone, but that one must actually dwell in the house in order to fulfil the mitzvah.

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