Monday, July 03, 2023

Emunah, A Shiur for Young Men: What and Why We Believe, part 1

Links to subsequent shiurim in the series are in the comments to this post.

Update שלהי מנחם-אב תשפ"ג לפ"ק:

It is appropriate during these days of Shiva of מורי ורבי הגאון הצדיק הרב משה יחיאל צוריאל זצ"ל
for me to acknowledge the tremendous influence he had upon me in my years at Sha'alvim and beyond, and to note that these shiurim in Emunah are taken from his sefer אוצרות המוסר. I was exposed to these passages in their original appearance in the בית יחזקאל when I had to prepare to give a shiur to visiting תיכוניסטים on their שבוע ישיבה. I figured, no time like the present to learn about Emunah myself so I could impart what I learned to others!