Sunday, December 17, 2023

Congregation Anshei Palisades Building Project

Join us in supporting the Congregation Anshei Palisades Building Project, at which we are privileged to serve as Rav and Rebbitzen. Furthermore, it is the shul of our children Daniel and Deena Bechhofer and our grandchildren, Aria, Emmy and Na'ava. Our growing community in Pomona Heights is renowned for its warmth, Achdus, and aspirations of Torah and growth. As more families move into our scenic neighborhood in the mountains of Pomona, we are dedicated to fostering a thriving Makom Torah and Tefillah.

Our minyan started out in a playroom, moving into a converted garage soon after due to the rapid growth of our neighborhood and the pressing need for more space. This is where our shul, a devoted enclave of Tefillah, Achdus, and Torah, has been for the past 4 years.
Baruch Hashem, our community and shul have grown rapidly, due to its appeal as a serious but welcoming Makom Tefillah. An opportunity arose in Kislev 5784 to purchase a new property within our neighborhood to serve as a permanent home for our shul. We have initiated our shul building campaign with the hopes of providing a much-needed spacious facility for our wonderful shul.
Your support will have a profound impact by helping us create a space that can accommodate our expanding community, fostering an atmosphere of Torah and Tefillah for generations to come. Join us in this endeavor and be part of a lasting legacy of kedusha. Together, we can make a difference and ensure the continued success of our community.
Thank you and Tizku L'Mitzvos!

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