Sunday, January 05, 2025

Toras Avigdor Junior Vayigash

The truth is, I don't think Rabbi Miller himself would ever have gone this far. But this adaptation is what people get from his hashkafah. I am making a mecha'ah, as insignificant as it will be. I am going to copy to the actual post some the comments below for elaboration of the objections to the TA Jr. (I am afraid of the commenter to which I responded deleting his comments and mine along with his.) Overall, the main middah that the TA Jr seems to promote is smugness. Epic, extraordinary smugness. See the comments below the images from the TA JR, and see the words of the Seridei Eish below them. Note: I received feedback from the TA office. See their response and my response at the end of the post.

One commenter wrote:
I'm honestly confused. There's a lot to nitpick here but I'm unsure what exactly it is that's upsetting you.
To which I responded:
While the glorification of private airplane travels sickens me, as it did Rabbi Avremel Ausband zt"l in his famous mecho'oh on the phenomenon; while the glorification of conspicuous consumption and ostentation disturbs me as well, as it should anyone who values הצנע לכת עם ה"א, it is the denigration of goyim, their relegation to almost subhuman status, that is my primary issue with this piece. It is ludicrous and wrong to assert that an ultimate simcha cannot take place in the presence of non-Jews. On a side note, the existence of the viewing portico in the Beis HaMikdash implicitly rejects the premise.

Presumably the same commenter subsequently wrote:
Can’t figure out what’s wrong here. I called the Toras Avigdor office and they sent me to the exact place in the audio lectures where R Miller says this vort. So they’re adapting from a true source. Is the problem that you disagree with the idea? Or just that it shouldn’t be published in a public format because it disparages gentiles?
To which I responded with two comments:
1. I was being dan Rabbi Miller l'kaf zechus. If I am wrong in that, that is sad. Yes, the idea is repugnant. You should invite the non-Jews with whom you are on friendly terms to your simchas. You should be warm and gracious towards them, and it should enhance your simcha to make a real Ohr LaGoyim. This should not have been published in a public forum and should certainly not have been presented as educational for children because it is it wrong.
2. BTW, I do not believe Rabbi Miller, who was raised in the ways of Mussar, glorified ostentation and conspicuous consumption. The anti-goyim issue he was, unfortunately, known for. But I cannot believe he would be happy with the description of the outlandish spectacle.

Someone mentioned this to me over Shabbos, and I am sharing it here, since it is entirely apropos, notwithstanding that I vigorously protested the publication of these letters between Rabbi Yechiel Yaakov Weinberg zt"l, the Seridei Eish, and Prof. Atlas of Cincinnati at the time. Useful as they are, there is no doubt the SE did not want them published. I got a mention in Rabbi JJ Schachter's semi-apology in the next issue of the TuM journal. Since the damage was done and they were published, they can presumably be quoted at this point. You can access the article at This was written by the Seridei Eish:

TA responded to this post:

From tape 428. One of many places where Rav Miller discusses it.

In the Torah you remember how Yosef Hatzaddik had disguised himself from his brothers during the entire story until the end. Then it says velo yachol Yosef lehisapek, Yosef could no longer contain himself. Vayikra hotziu kol ish meialai, so Yosef was now about to announce to his brothers who he is, ani Yosef. But first he said hotziu kol ish meialai, everybody should leave except Yosef and his brothers. Now what does it mean lo yachol Yosef lehisapek, he couldn’t restrain himself, lekol hanitzavim alav, because of all those who were standing there so Rashi says lo hayah yachol lisbol, Yosef couldn't bear, sheyehiyu Mitzrayim nitzavim alav, that Mitzrayim should be standing, Egyptians should be standing there. Rashi goes on and explains it according to his derech but that's the pshat. When Yosef was about to make himself known to his brothers he announced that all the foreigners, all the Egyptians have to leave. Velo amad ish ito behisvadeh Yosef el echav, no man stood with him when Yosef made himself known to his brothers.

Now Rashi says his reason and it certainly is a true and good reason. Rashi says because he didn't want the Egyptians to see how his brothers were shamed or embarrassed when he would say ani Yosef. But that is a prat. It's one detail. There's more than that, however. There's a general principle here. This you have to know. Rashi like ma'amarei Chazal, they don't say the full pshat. They say a chiddush, an addition, a detail of the pshat. But the general pshat is said by the passuk. The passuk states Yosef Hatzaddik didn't want any stranger to be present when he was about to rejoin his brothers, to be reunited with his brothers. That's the plain meaning.

Yosef Hatzaddik had been separated from his brothers for very many years and now finally they were being reunited. But Yosef Hatzaddik understood what it meant to be reunited with his brothers. It was to him like neilah. Not just one brother. All his brothers. And what kind of brothers? Shivtei Kah. And therefore that moment was such a kedushah that he didn't want any arel to be present. Just like a goy cannot come into the Mikdash, even where temei'im could come goyim couldn't come. So Yosef gave orders hotziu kol ish meialai. Later when they inquired why did you give this order so he could say my brothers might have been embarrassed. They didn't want anybody to be present. But there's a deeper reason and that was the kedushah of the reuniting of Yosef and his brothers. 

Like it says hazar hakarev yumas. Anybody who is not entitled to enter the premises of the Beis Hamikdash, yumas. He's chayav misah beyedei shamayim. 

There used to be a sign outside the azarah of the Beis Hamikdash in Greek, written in Greek with these words hazar hakarev yumas, and the goyim were very careful. The beis din shel kohanim would execute them. And that's why when they made the churban Beis Hamikdash one of their first interests was to penetrate as far as they could lefnei velifnim. To enter the Kodesh Hakadashim. They were always so chagrined and so angry that they were excluded.

And so when Yosef met his brothers again after so many years it was a time of such kedushah that no stranger had a right to be present.

However, do not make any error in thinking it was just that moment. The kedushah was more noticeable then after such a big absence but the kedushah continued from then onward. Now let's understand this because it's a big inyan. The gemara says kol bei asarah shechintah shraya. It's a statement. Kol bei asarah shechintah shraya, wherever you have ten Jews the shechinah comes to rest. Now the shechinah doesn't do things arbitrarily. There has to be a reason for that. And the reason is it's a makom kadosh. Now it's not talking about ten Jews who come to daven. Ten Jews who come to trade diamonds. That's how you have to understand. When it says tehilaso bekehal chassidim, the praise of Hashem is in the kehal of chassidim, righteous people who come together, it doesn't mean they have to open their mouths and say praise of Hashem. Certainly they should. But tehilaso, the praise of Hashem is bekehal chassidim, when they come together. That's the praise of Hashem.

In two ways. First of all ten Jews, all of them are loyal to Hakadosh Baruch Hu, to His Torah. That's a demonstration. Ten chassidim, all frum people, all who refuse to drink chalav akum. Every one of them let's say keeps Chol Hamoed. They keep all dikdukei mitzvos. Ten Jews like that. I'm talking about old-time frum Jews. That's certainly tehilaso. It's a praise of Hashem. Tehilaso bekehal chassidim.

But there's another reason why the shechinah comes upon them and that is because the ichud, the union of frum Jews is a kedushah in itself. Now this is something that we don't see but we have plenty of proofs for it. When Jews come together there's a kedushah on them. That's the principle kol bei asarah shechintah shraya. Now learn this. It's a gemara in Yevamos. The gemara says in Yevamos on the passuk lehiyos lecha le'Elokim ulezaracha acharecha, Hashem promised to be to you an Elokim and to your children after you.

B'mechilas kvodo shel Hagaon Harav Miller zt"l, li ha'katan nireh that what he saying is drush. It may be his extrapolation of a Zohar (208b) that someone noted in the comments below. I do not think that is what the Zohar means. But you extrapolated from it in a way that I do not believe even Rabbi Miller ever intended, to assert that you should not invite non-Jews to your simchas, and that your school should not employ non-Jews. The dehumanization implicit (practically explicit) in your extrapolation is antithetical to basic respect for non-Jews, especially ones with whom you have a relationship and to whom you can manifest a Kiddush Hashem.


  1. Just ... wow ... where to even start?

  2. I'm honestly confused. There's a lot to nitpick here but I'm unsure what exactly it is that's upsetting you.

    1. While the glorification of private airplane travels sickens me, as it did Rabbi Avremel Ausband zt"l in his famous mecho'oh on the phenomenon; while the glorification of conspicuous consumption and ostentation disturbs me as well, as it should anyone who values הצנע לכת עם ה"א, it is the denigration of goyim, their relegation to almost subhuman status, that is my primary issue with this piece. It is ludicrous and wrong to assert that an ultimate simcha cannot take place in the presence of non-Jews. On a side note, the existence of the viewing portico in the Beis HaMikdash implicitly rejects the premise.

  3. I guess this means no one will be taking WIC because of the interaction with the non Jewish world.

    1. That’s quite a weird conclusion to make. It doesn’t seem like the article said anything about not interacting with goyim. It said that where there are only Jews there’s more Shechina. I don’t know if it’s true or not, but your reading comprehension skills are poor.

  4. Did you reach out to Toras Avigdor before publicizing your mecha’a?

    1. No. The mecho'oh needs to be made. But I did email them a link to this blog post. Since you are Anonymous, for all I know you are from the TA. :-)

  5. Can’t figure out what’s wrong here. I called the Toras Avigdor office and they sent me to the exact place in the audio lectures where R Miller says this vort. So they’re adapting from a true source. Is the problem that you disagree with the idea? Or just that it shouldn’t be published in a public format because it disparages gentiles?

    1. I was being dan Rabbi Miller l'kaf zechus. If I am wrong in that, that is sad. Yes, the idea is repugnant. You should invite the non-Jews with whom you are on friendly terms to your simchas. You should be warm and gracious towards them, and it should enhance your simcha to make a real Ohr LaGoyim. This should not have been published in a public forum and should certainly not have been presented as educational for children because it is it wrong.

    2. BTW, I do not believe Rabbi Miller, who was raised in the ways of Mussar, glorified ostentation and conspicuous consumption. The anti-goyim issue he was, unfortunately, known for. But I cannot believe he would be happy with the description of the outlandish spectacle.

    3. Whether or not a person should invite gentiles to his simchas is a private decision best made by each individual with his Rav. My simcha, my choice. But it’s probably true that the more Jews and less gentiles the more Shechina.

    4. And if you read TA junior on a regular basis you’d know that this overly ostentatious behavior of the Horki rebbe and the Holtzbacher family is something that is written as a way of making leitzanus of and usually is countered by an ending that shows you don’t need money etc to serve Hakadosh Baruch Hu

    5. I re-read the piece to see if the overly ostentatious behavior (which, again, is not my main objection) is definitively mocked and rejected. It is not. I can't vouch for other TA Jr's, since I am definitely not a regular reader and only protested this one since it was brought to my attention. I don't like Rabbi Miller's mahalach of teaching via leitzanus in general, but any leitzanus here, if any, is very subtle and insufficiently clear even for many adults, let alone for young minds. In sum, a very poor tool for chinuch.

    6. Agreed. Certainly wasn't mocking it; best-case scenario, it was trying to impart that "a normal-sized classroom can be just as holy", but given the context, audience, and how it was told over, even that will be lost on most readers.

      There's a beautiful Malbim that reads that during Boaz's time, really the way to do a kinyan was קצצה; but Boaz went back to an earlier method, חליפין. Al pi drush -- everyone thought that you needed a big crowd and a lot of stuff, but Boaz is showing them that you just need one person putting their human dignity on the line to honor their commitments.

      (The line from R' Schwab zt"l about Jews aiming for "not frum, but ehrlich" [forget "fervently pious"; just be "upright"] comes to mind here.)

    7. Re: inviting close non-Jewish coworkers or the like to simchas. L'maysa, R' Bechhofer, what would you suggest for a bar mitzvah, assuming it's just kiddush after davening? "Hey if you want to sit through 2 hours of a Hebrew worship you're welcome to do so, or just come at the end..." I'm not saying their presence would hurt anything, just that they're likely to be lost. (But all of that has to come from a position of respect and empathy.)

      The Mesoras Moshe had some non-Jew with no interest in conversion who just wanted to see what Jewish worship looked like. Rav Moshe suggests that telling him "no!" is only going to make it more intriguing and/or create animosity; he suggests telling the fellow "okay I guess, but honestly, there's not that much to see..."

  6. The Gemara explains that Yosef sent the mitzriyim away so as not to embarrass his brothers. This idea that Yosef sent out the mitzriyim because goyim could not be around is not found in Chazal. Furthermore we know that regarding the Bais Hamikdish it says ki beysi bais tefilah l'chol haamim. The idea that over the top gashmiyus of private planes and gold plated events is holy if no goyim are present is not hashkafas Hatorah and very wrong

    1. But the story made it clear that it wasn’t the plane and gold plated whatever that made the kedusha. It was Jews, which is a fundamental Torah principle

    2. It is a more fundamental Torah principle to treat every person with dignity and respect. And to not imply that their very presence at an event defiles it in some way, thus dehumanizing them.

    3. What I find fascinating here is the way the Toras Avigdor Jr., based on Rav Avigdor Miller himself, manages to take an ethical teaching of Chazal (Yosef's concern for his brother's feelings) and turn it into one of smugness (as RYGB so aptly put it), and contempt for Goyim. My sense, from occasionally reading them, is that this is a consistent rhetorical move in Toras Avigdor and Toras Avigdor Jr., but I haven't gone through them systematically to substantiate that. Nor would I want to read enough of them to do so.

    4. "Not found in Chazal"? My initial reaction was if you can authoritatively state that something is not found in Chazal that I want to be your talmid. Then I looked up the Zohar on Parshas Vayigash and it explicitly says that Yosef sent everyone from the room so there would be no gentiles present. So I was wrong about you. You're a fool, not a scholar.

    5. Zohar 208b does not say that he removed everyone else on that account. We are going through Zohar and you're invited to join us. The latest recording is at

    6. Not surprising based on your blog post and replies to the comments that you are unable to properly read and understand the Zohar. The thought of you giving a shiur to others on it is downright frightening.

    7. Then you should subscribe to the shiurim and comment on them.

  7. Yasher Koach for speaking up. We need more people of courage to do the same.

  8. The end of the story tries to bring out that you don’t need money and fancy planes for hashraas haShechina. It’s a matter of Jews, and the more, the better.
    Gentiles weren’t permitted in the Beis Hamikdash so it appears that a place of more holiness requires that gentiles shouldn’t be around. Should that be publicized? Probably not. But I don’t think it’s bad the way it was presented. It didn’t degrade goyim.

    1. There are specific halachos of taharah which preclude not just goyim, but women and men who are tamei from the Beis HaMikdash. By your logic, they should be barred from simchas as they would mar the holiness...

    2. It’s not a matter of barring anybody. It’s a matter of do higher levels of kedusha require gentiles to be not around.

    3. Yisraelim are precluded from entering certain areas in the mikdash as are leviim. Only the Cohen Gadol could enter the kodesh hakadodshim. To infer that this means there is more kedusha without yisraelim around is just plain silly and very wrong. The navi tells us that at the end of days all nations will stream towards the Bais Hamikdish. ' והיה באחרית הימים נכון יהיה הר בית ה' בראש ההרים ונשא מגבעות ונהרו אליו כל הגוים

    4. I assume we have two different Anonymous Commenters here. :-) To the former Anonymous Commenter I respond, that there is no evidence that to have higher levels of kedusha you must preclude non-Jews. Anymore than that you must preclude Jewish women and men who are tamei. And we haven't even discussed non-observant Jews...

    5. Bottom line the entire premise of the booklet is without basis. There is NO source that a non-Jew in a Jewish gathering diminishes kedusha. Chazal and the meforshei tanach do NOT say that Yosef sent out the mitzriyim for that reason. If such an idea was true they would have provided such an answer. The entire premise is without basis and spreads unwarranted degradation of others

  9. Yes there are two anonymous posters one defending the content of the booklet and anonymous #2 (me) who feels the booklet is abhorrent. Sorry for the confusion.

  10. My first time on this blog.
    Don't know who this Rabbi Bechhofer is, but he obviously thinks he's greater than Rabbi Miller ZT"L and is qualified "rate" Rav Miller's drush.
    From what I know Rabbi Miller used to finish Shas with Shulchan Aruch every year, and was recognised by many Major Talmidei Chachamim as a Gadol B'Torah.
    Rabbi Bechhofer must be trying to bring Moshiach by being Mekayem "Nearim Pney Z'kainim Yalbinu".

    1. How about some cheshbon Hanefesh and Teshuva for Bizuy Talmid Chacham?

    2. Also, as I noted, the TA Jr goes much further than Rabbi Miller himself

    3. and this Gem "I don't think what Rabbi Miller writes is true. It's just drush, and, in my opinion, bad drush."?

    4. I changed that, as it could be construed as personally demeaning, which was not my intent, and I appreciate your pointing it out

  11. Also please see Sha"Ch al hatorah Parshas Emor regarding Nochrim in the Succah

    1. Lets make it clear that the Shach Al Hatorah is NOT the Shach on Shulchan Aruch.

    2. Please see Mishna in Brachos regarding Rabbi Gamliel bringing his eved kanani into the Succah

    3. 1. Yes, I wrote yesterday that the Schach al hatorah is r' mordechai hacohen of tzfas.

      2. Rabban Gamliel also brought his wife into the succah - you may have forgot that an Eved Knani is not a Goy and is Chayav in Mitzvos like a woman.

    4. A lady has kedushas Yisrael a even kanani does not. Stop conflating the two.

    5. Please see Zecharia 14:16 regarding non-Jews clebrating sukkos. The Gemara in Avoda Zara is also clear that the non-Jews enter the Sukkah.

      והיה כל־⁠הנותר מכל ⁠הגוים הבאים על ירושל͏ם ועלו מדי שנה בשנה להשתחות למלך ה צבאות ולחג את ⁠חג הסכות

  12. ז"ל: "ולא יכניס לתוכה עו"ג ... ואז בורחת הקדושה וכו' "

    1. It is a far cry from the Shach on a Sukkah to not employing non-Jewish janitors.

    2. OH So Nochrim can only be "Mavriach Kedushah" from Succahs and not from weddings?

    3. I have not seen the Shach inside. It is not really relevant to the point of the post. The point is that the TA Jr dehumanizes non-Jews. Forget about attending the simcha, they can't even be the airplane pilots!!! I highly doubt the Shach would have been happy with his yesod being translated into the vernacular and extrapolated to the points that the TA is making, and for young children.
      As to having non-Jews at holy occasions, had Solly Ganor not invited Chiune Sugihara and his wife to his family's Chanukah mesibah, who knows what would have been the fate of the Mirrer Yeshiva. In the final analysis, I am sure that Rabbi Miller himself (as opposed to TA Jr) would have agreed that middos tovos trump cheshbonos of kedushah, even השראת השכינה, as we learn from Avrohom Avinu.

    4. I didn't read the TA Jr
      Regarding the main point there's a famous hesped by Rav Miller's grandson where he tells the story about his teacher who told him off for talking down about nochrim and sent him to ask his grandfather about it.
      Rav Miller explained his tremendous appreciation for the Tzelem Elokim of every human being, However he also explained that the teacher's criticism came from a lack of belief in the Maalas" Yisroel" (as explained by the Kuzari) and not from a beleif in the greatness of Tzelem Elokim.
      It's worthwhile hearing that hesped.
      Just for the record the Sha""ch al hatorah is Rav Mordechai Hakohen fro Tzfas a Talmid of the AR"I - not R' Shabi Hacohen

    5. The point of this post was the TA Jr. Thank you for confirming that the TA Jr went way further than Rabbi Miller himself would ever have intended.

    6. I didn't confirm anything.
      As I wrote I didn't read the junior. My Issue was with the Bizuy Talmid Chacham.

    7. Mishna in Brachos that Rabban Gamliel brought his eved kanani into the sukkah.

    8. You forgot to include the reason provided by this pirush שהסוכה היא צילא דמהימנותא which does not apply to a chasunah, event or a meeting of שבטים

    9. Thank you for checking out the source and noting its irrelevance.

    10. Rabban Gamliel also brought his wife into the succah - you may have forgot that an Eved Knani is not a Goy and is Chayav in Mitzvos like a woman.

    11. It's true that the Shach al hatorah mentions the צילא דמהמנותא.

      However see שו"ת דברי יציב או"ח ב רעד ג that quotes the Shach al Hatorah and is Mashve entering the Sukkah to the laws of entering Har Habayis.
      Apparently he understood that this applies to all mekomos of Hashraas Hashcina.

    12. A lady has kedushas Yisrael and an eved knani does not. Stop equating the two.

      The דברי יציב is saying that being that a sukkah is צילא דמהימנותא it is similar to the Bais Hamikdish not the other way around. The TA defenders have not provided even one source that applies this concept to a simcha or event or Yosef and his brothers. Nobody at all.

    13. not true
      read the divrei yatziv again

    14. I'll explain:
      If the Shach al hatorah was saying that sole reason a nochri is "Mavricah Kedusha" from a Succah is becuase it's צילא דהמנותא - ואין להם המנות",
      then there would be absolutely no place to learn Bkal V'chomer from the Mikdash that a Yisroel Tamei should not enter the succah.

    15. Lo nachon. The point is just the opposite. A non-Jew cannot enter the Heichal. The chiddush that he is making is that a Sukkah which is צילא דהמנותא has the status of the היכל. The fact remains that this is irrelevant to a simcha, event or Yosef Hatzadik. There is no evidence of any poskim or Gedolei Yisrael saying it is a chumrah not to allow goyim into a Chasunah. Every simcha has no-Jewish staff and no adom.gadol ever advised otherwise.we are not yesomim we learned in yeshivos we say at the feet of Gedolei Yisrael. There was no such Hanhala period.

    16. Sorry typo. Every simcha has non-Jewish staff and no adom Gadol ever advised otherwise. We are not yesomim. We learned in Yeshivos, we sat at the feet of Gedolei Yisrael. There was and is no such hanhagah period

    17. Ken Nachon.
      Your point is your point, but don't distort what the Divrei Yatziv is saying.
      You didn't answer how there's any place to learn from the Mikdash to a Succah if the whole din of A Nochri not entering the Succah is only because "Aino Bar Hemnusa".
      (I don't want to spell out the Divrei Yatziv's chiddush on this blog - don't think it would go over well...)
      And yes, Avadim C'naniim would be allowed to be Janitors at the Horki Chasuna :)
      I will be signing of this blog - I've seen enough and have wasted enough time on it.
      So please don't see my "Shtika" from here on as any form of "Hoddaa".
      Bottom line I'm not defending the booklet. But I do think there was a serious breach of Kavod/Bizuy Talmid Chacham here, and hope tthat he Rabbi and all his supporters will be more carefull in te future.
      It's OK to disagree - but do so with respect to those are greater then you.
      All the best

    18. Let's be 100% clear here. The divrei yatziv quotes the shach al hatorah and then says that kol shkein a lady who is a nidah should not enter a sukkah. He then proves that a nidah would be a kol shkein because a non Jew may enter har habayis but a nidah cannot. Nothing in the divrei yatziv backs up your assertion. Do the TA defenders also advocate that we should now have a new chumrah that nidos should not be allowed to attend weddings or events.

    19. There is no bizui talmidei chachamim here. Only a just and rightful machoh.

    20. Thanks for pointing that out! Yasher koach!

  13. Instead of splitting hairs, be a man and admit your mistake, and in the future be more careful when opening your mouth against Talmidei Chachamim

    1. Sorry I didn't see your previous response - it seems that you already where mekabel to be more careful, and my post may have been Onoas Devarim - I apologize for that

  14. Reading it again - "I don't think what Rabbi Miller writes is true" - is also not respectful. How about something like "Bmechilas kvodo shel Hagaon Harav Miller ZT"L, Li Hakatan nireh..."

    1. If that makes you happy, sure. Again, I want to make sure it is clear I am disagreeing and not demeaning, so it is fine with me. I will use your nusach.

    2. Be careful. He doesn't seem like the type to be okay with using the term "li hakatan".

    3. But he did and should be commended for it

    4. Why is that not respectful? You can ask questions. You can have an opinion. Rav Miller is pro death penalty and Rav Moshe is not. Was it disrespectful for Rav Moshe to hold Rav Miller was wrong on the matter

    5. Wow!!
      So now your equating Rabbi Bechofer with Rav Moshe.
      The problem is bigger than I thought!!!

    6. Of course gedolim disagree on many thing, and there's not one certified correct Hashkafa .
      However, this should be done with respect, especially when it's small peolpe disagreeing with those who are greater than them.
      I'm sure Rav Moshe would disagree with Rabbi Miller in a much more respectfull way - Kal V'chomer Ben Bno Shel Kal V'chomer all the small people writing on this blog!!!

  15. Nothing in the junior said anything about not hiring gentile janitors or gentile pilots. It pointed out that in this story there’s more kedusha.shechina when it’s only Jews. It was an exaggerated silly story for children to bring out an important point that RAM always made. The end of the story actually brought it down to real life and applied it to real life showing that it has nothing to do with ostentatious behavior. I brought the TA Junior to a few (5) long time mechanchim/rebbeim in elementary school and they ALL saw absolutely nothing wrong. They said the exaggeration in the story is clear and it would not have a bad hashpaa on children. I’m sure you disagree but I think you’re overdoing it.

    1. It certainly made those implications clear. I am sad that so many mechanchim (5) were so blind. Unfortunately. I am not surprised.

    2. I brought the Junor to long time rabbeim and mechanchim. They said it is grotesque and repulsive! How about the time they called the mayor Dudu Manor. What a crass and miyus way to corrupt the minds of children. Hope you send your kids to a better school where the rabbeim don't disparage people with bathroom names.

  16. RGB, If I may publicly criticize you. You have a streak of arrogance that requires some tempering. Especially when you so flippantly are willing to argue (and not with respect) with someone who is much bigger than you. Maybe ask someone much bigger than you about it. Quoting from seforim here and there to back up your point is nothing. Anyone can do that. In your case having a nice store of knowledge (and the capacity to easily search seforim websites) makes you ‘dangerous’.

    1. This is not the first time that Toras Avigdor has written outrageous things. Thanks to Rabbi Bechhofer for calling them out. As the Kotzker famously said, "Everything that is thought should not be said. Everything that is said should not be written. Everything thst is written should not be published." The publishers of these and other problematic parsha sheets should do so with a measure of sechel and with full awareness that English publications can easily be read by everyone, even those, in this case, wrongly dehumanized.

    2. You are not actually publicly criticizing me, since you are hiding behind the cloak of anonymity. :-) Since my main issue is with the publishers of TA Jr, and not with Rabbi Miller himself (although I disagree with him), I cannot know if they are bigger or I am bigger. But I appreciate anyone who takes time to write.

    3. You are in fact taking issue with Rabbi Miller - and just keep hiding behind TA Jr.
      The above criticism is absolutely in place (be it anonymous or not) there is a gaava problem here that needs urgent attention.

    4. There is no ga'avah involved in disagreeing with Rabbi Miller. And I have posted on such disagreements in the past and would not hesitate to do so again. See, for example, כבודו במקומו מונח וכך היא דרכה של תורה. But it happens to be that in this case the TA Jr went further than RAM's teachings.

    5. At least not in your not so humble opinion....

  17. Meant "Not everything..."

    1. Rabbi Bechofer deserves a big yasher Koach for speaking the emes. Sadly there are many things in the TA booklets that are very wrong. For example the total bitul of others and ideas found in Chazal such as mayseh yadai toyvim bysin vayem omrim shira as a source for chatzi hallel on Pesach. Sadly not enough Rabbonim have the courage to speak up like Rabbi Bechofer does. Trying to silence him with false claims of bizuei talmidei chachamim us just wrong and misguided.

    2. Sorry, but you don't get to dump booklets in every shul in the country that call Ed Koch a faggot, disparage black people and other ethnic minorities, downplay the wrongs of slavery in the American south, present right wing positions on current events as synonymous with hashkafas hatorah and be mevatel all that disagree with you in a most crass and repulsive manner and they cry "bizuyei talmid chacham" when someone calls you out. Rabbi Bechoffer is taking a stand for Kovod Hatorah and chinuch habanim. Yasher Koach Rabbi Bechoffer. Do not be silenced!!!

    3. See my comment above:
      "Of course gedolim disagree on many thing, and there's not one certified correct Hashkafa .
      However, this should be done with respect, especially when it's small peolpe disagreeing with those who are greater than them.
      I'm sure Rav Moshe would disagree with Rabbi Miller in a much more respectfull way - Kal V'chomer Ben Bno Shel Kal V'chomer all the small people writing on this blog!!! "


    4. Stop trying to hide behind false accusations of lack of kovod talmidei chachamim. This booklet deserves a strong machoh. It presents over indulgence in gashmiyus as kedusha as long as no goyim.are present. Such an idea is repulsive. There is absolutely no mention in the booklet that over the top gashmiyus is wrong. Instead as long as goyim are not there it is kodosh. This corrupt way of thinking is sadly responsible for so many ills in our society. Over the top parties etc and sadly many instances of fraud from non Jewish entities . It needs to be called out. Impressionable minds should not be reading such booklets. I highly doubt R'Miller himself would be ok with the way this is being presented in the booklet.

    5. Hiding what???
      I never defended the booklet.

  18. The Muslim worker who saved Jews at the Hyper Kasher Paris attack.

  19. Several points relevant to this conversation were discussed in our recent podcast


    "Last night, in pouring rain and freezing cold, we stopped at Hurfish after days on the northern border. We started looking for a kosher place to eat, and Google showed there was "Ibtisam's Food and Workshops" right nearby, authentic and kosher Druze food. Though it was late and the place had closed, Ibtisam herself answered the phone. When she heard we were soldiers, she insisted: “I won’t let you go hungry!”

    By the time we arrived, she had pots warming and served us tea with a smile. Ibtisam wouldn’t take a shekel, saying it was her privilege to help. In her words: “You’re out in the cold while I’m in a warm house.”
    The days in the north are harsh, and there are very few travelers. If you have a chance to come, we highly recommend that you talk to Ibtisam, not because she is amazing (and she is amazing!!) but because the food is excellent!"
    Slava Zisman

  21. Can we get someone to publish a kids pamphlet that will actually inspire good middos?
