Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Westhampton Eruv Video. Quite funny!


  1. Hillarious I love the way the Self Hating Jew doesn't get that the reporter is Mocking him

  2. How would You explain an Eruv do a disconnected Jew or Gentile to make it seem more Intelligible than " not exactly ALICE IN WONDERLAND BUT NOT SNUFFLUFGUS"?

  3. First, you need to explain that Jewish law is not "religious" but "legal." Hence, as in any other legal code there are legal loopholes.

    Then you are ready to explain the notion of a form of a doorway...

  4. Did you notice the clip from Chicago? It showed Fred Kohn, AH. Ironically it also showed Yehuda Cohen. He is the son of David Cohen both of whom are vehement opponents of the WRP Eruv - as was RAS, their (and my) rebbe, whose general oppostion to all city wide Eruvin is well known.

  5. Do you have a source of such an answer or can you write one?

  6. Explaining it to disconnected Jews as this video is going to get around and now I am going to get asked what is the deal with that eruv thing why do orthdox jew put up strings which allows them to not listen to their religion who are you guys fooling ?god, the legalistic thing is a hard sell I think in your Ohr Samaech shiur which you put up online you should state an answer for those who secular workmates will not be asked this question thanks

  7. What about the idea that G-d's law says one CAN carry in a neighborhood (carmolis), and the Rabbis were afriad that one would carry in a public domain if one got too used to carrying in a carmolis, and therfore required an eruv. It can be just a string because it is more the idea that one must think about the eruv on shabbos to prevent carrying in a future rare public setting. Thus the legal loophole of the string does not go agianst even the original Rabbinic idea, but it is still nessesary and can not be ignored.

  8. Why do you need to explain to a Jew who eats cheeseburgers and drives a car on Shabbos, how halachicly/legalisticly an eruv helps you push a stroller? He doesn't care.

  9. My boss (from LI, not Jewish) told me of seeing this. I gave him some background info on what an Eruv does, but he had gotten the general sense already from the video.

    It's sad that Jewish infighting in suburbia is exposed to all by these episodes. I doubt the anti-Eruv fools have reflected on this.

  10. A good answer:

  11. A new eruv article, if you're interested:

  12. The situation discussed in that article is so prevalent...

    Often the checkers make the tikkunim al da'as atzmam. That often leads to lasting, long term problems.
