Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Rischa D'Araisa Season 10 Episode 1: 1. The Towering Achievement of Rav Avremel Ausband zt"l; 2. The Recognized Halachic Greatness of Rav Avraham Yitzchak Kook zt"l


Rischa D'Araisa Season 10 Episode 1:

זֶ֖רַע אַבְרָהָ֥ם אֹהֲבִֽי

Gimmel Elul, Shever and Zikaron:

1. The Towering Achievement of 

Rav Avremel Ausband zt"l

2. The Recognized Halachic Greatness of 

Rav Avraham Yitzchak Kook zt"l

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A niche has been carved out that resonates with many on the wide spectrum of Observant Jews. This explains why we continually rank high in independent on-line lists of top Yeshiva podcasts. 

This proud edifice is in real danger of toppling and disappearing. We need the help of our listeners to continue to record and edit, and to promote a product that has been a balm and instructive to so many. 

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  1. Lo Ra'inu and all that, but this is the first time I heard that Reb Moshe sent people to the Satmerer to learn Kodshim. Anything can happen on Torah Avenue, and I have learned time and time again that it is difficult to anticipate what an adam gadol will say about anything, but this does seem particularly out of character. My mechutan, Rabbi Shimon Lawrence, did tell me that as a bachur, he asked Reb Moshe whether he should stay in YU or go to a more European style yeshiva, and Reb Moshe told him "why would you leave the most choshuveh rosh yeshiva in America?"

    1. I would definitely believe your surmise over anything from a dubious source like the one from which this "tidbit" came.
