Tuesday, we begin the second cycle of the
Arukh HaShulchan Yomi
Feb. 11, 2025, 13 Shvat 5785
On Tuesday we also will b'ezras Hashem begin the first supplemental cycle of the
entire Arukh HaShulchan!
Reb Micha Berger took the material not covered in the AhSY cycle and divided it into pieces to fit during the next two cycles. Two unrelated pieces to learn each day, but the daily material of the supplemental cycle will be less than half of the 1100 or so words per day of the regular cycle.
At the end of the third cycle, you would be making a siyum on the entire AhS!*
(* Original edition. Not including Nedarim nor Arukh HaShulchan He'Asid.)
The combined schedule, for those who want to learn either or both, is available at
We are planning b'ezras Hashem to record and distribute the daily limmud of the supplemental cycle in the same way that we have recorded and distributed the daily limmud of the main cycle.
The Arukh HaShulchan Yomi Supplemental Cycle will be at:
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXhYlGVtIOa8J9rHp2GHhtWa29Nsu0iD5There are 1719 days in the AhS cycle. (Although the shiurim online are 1-1718, there are by mistake two 1020's.) That corresponds to אָנֹכִי כֹּרֵת אֶת הַבְּרִית in Devarim 29:13. May our learning of AhS fortify the bris between Hashem and us, and may we be zocheh to all the yeshu'os and nechamos of the bris!
I hope you get in touch with OU All Halacha- and include Aruchim hashulchan there.
ReplyDeleteI will ask my partner, Reb Micha Berger, if he can connect to them. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI wrote to them. If you'd be willing to advocate on our behalf, please write them at support@allhalacha.org
ReplyDeleteSent a request, shkoach!
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