Mishloach Manos means to send one maneh and other maneh. HaMelech and Haman - the adversaries of the Megillah - are each 95 in gematria. So is maneh. Two manos are the two 95. Ish l'rayaihu. Mordechai is the Ish Yehudi and Rayaihu - Haman ha'Ra ha'zeh.
Lech kenos es kol ha'Yehudim. See what we wrote at http://rygb.blogspot.com/2005/12/seeing-beyond-concealment-eruvin-65a.html about kiso, ka'aso, koso. Kenos is also a breaking of the concealment. What breaks it? Well kenos is 136 in gematria - tzom, kol, mammom, as in teshuva tefilla u'tzedaka. The nun-vav that actually break apart the kisui are 56 - 4 times yad (14). If we stretch out our hands to Heaven, middah k'neged middah, kivyachol Hashem extends His hands towards us.
My high school aged son says the word הנהלה is also gematria 95