Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Kelm Playlist

The playlist of a new series of learning the ma'amarim of the Alter of Kelm zt"l.

You can find the sefer at https://hebrewbooks.org/41658

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1 comment:

  1. This playlist can also be followed at http://shiurim.aishdas.org/category/kelm .

    This series motivated me to dig up this description of mine of Kelm Mussar:

    The soul is an orchestra. Over in the back we can see temper, playing the tympani, on the left, empathy is on the first violin and sadness is over there on the front left, among the oboes and bassoons. Joy is behind them on the trumpets. Each middah has its role, and through the intellect they are coordinated into a harmonious whole. The intellect takes the baton and conducts. The score before us is nosei be'ol im chaveiro (sharing the burden with his peer), which is an echo of the Divine Voice.
    One can make beautiful music with just one violin, but in a symphony it combines with all the other instruments to make something far richer.

    Thus Kelm's emphasis on seider (Orderliness) in how the yeshiva ran and what was expected of its students ties directly into their use of seikhel to master middos. Mussar is letting the seikhel bring seder to the middos.

    (And not letting ka'as, one's temper, run away with the baton!)
