Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Rischa D'Araisa Season 9 Episode 19: Lessons from Biden's Debate Debacle: Can We Draw a Line for Our Gedolim?

Rischa D'Araisa Season 9 Episode 19:

Lessons from Biden's Debate Debacle: 

Can We Draw a Line for Our Gedolim?

Please click on this link to contribute whatever you can to keep this podcast on the air: 

With downloads approaching the million mark-and an archival library numbering in the thousands, the Yeshiva of Newark Podcast has been striving to continuously upgrade our content, and professionalize our audio sound, along with altering approaches in light of much appreciated listener feedback. 

A niche has been carved out that resonates with many on the wide spectrum of Observant Jews. 

This explains why we continually rank high in independent on-line lists of top Yeshiva podcasts. 

 This proud edifice is in real danger of toppling and disappearing. 

We need the help of our listeners to continue to record and edit, and to promote a product that has been a balm and instructive to so many. 

 Just 36 dollars, a minimum donation, from a thousand of you out there will keep us afloat as a New Ark of straight, intelligent, and humorous discussion, lectures, debate and inquiry - while the destructive waters of ignorance and politics crash around us. 

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Rischa D'Araisa Season 9 Episode 18: Are Campaigns Jackknifing Attempts to Solve the Tuition Crisis?


Rischa D'Araisa Season 9 Episode 18:
Are Campaigns Jackknifing Attempts to Solve the Tuition Crisis?

Please click on this link to contribute whatever you can to keep this podcast on the air: 

With downloads approaching the million mark-and an archival library numbering in the thousands, the Yeshiva of Newark Podcast has been striving to continuously upgrade our content, and professionalize our audio sound, along with altering approaches in light of much appreciated listener feedback. 

A niche has been carved out that resonates with many on the wide spectrum of Observant Jews. 

This explains why we continually rank high in independent on-line lists of top Yeshiva podcasts. 

This proud edifice is in real danger of toppling and disappearing. 

We need the help of our listeners to continue to record and edit, and to promote a product that has been a balm and instructive to so many. 

Just 36 dollars, a minimum donation, from a thousand of you out there will keep us afloat as a New Ark of straight, intelligent, and humorous discussion, lectures, debate and inquiry - while the destructive waters of ignorance and politics crash around us. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Rischa D'Araisa Season 9 Episode 17: Post Shavuos Charge: Gibush Hatzibur, Distilling the Da'as of Moshe


Rischa D'Araisa Season 9 Episode 17:

Post Shavuos Charge:
Gibush Hatzibur
Distilling the Da'as of Moshe

Please click on this link to contribute whatever you can to keep this podcast on the air: 

With downloads approaching the million mark-and an archival library numbering in the thousands, the Yeshiva of Newark Podcast has been striving to continuously upgrade our content, and professionalize our audio sound, along with altering approaches in light of much appreciated listener feedback. 

A niche has been carved out that resonates with many on the wide spectrum of Observant Jews. 

This explains why we continually rank high in independent on-line lists of top Yeshiva podcasts. 

 This proud edifice is in real danger of toppling and disappearing. 

We need the help of our listeners to continue to record and edit, and to promote a product that has been a balm and instructive to so many. 

 Just 36 dollars, a minimum donation, from a thousand of you out there will keep us afloat as a New Ark of straight, intelligent, and humorous discussion, lectures, debate and inquiry - while the destructive waters of ignorance and politics crash around us.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Rischa D'Araisa Season 9 Episode 16: Failing Mussar 101: The Dearth of Hakoras HaTov in Our Society


Rischa D'Araisa Season 9 Episode 16:

Failing Mussar 101:

The Dearth of Hakoras HaTov 

in Our Society

Please click on this link to contribute whatever you can to keep this podcast on the air: 

With downloads approaching the million mark-and an archival library numbering in the thousands, the Yeshiva of Newark Podcast has been striving to continuously upgrade our content, and professionalize our audio sound, along with altering approaches in light of much appreciated listener feedback. 

A niche has been carved out that resonates with many on the wide spectrum of Observant Jews. 

This explains why we continually rank high in independent on-line lists of top Yeshiva podcasts. 

 This proud edifice is in real danger of toppling and disappearing. 

We need the help of our listeners to continue to record and edit, and to promote a product that has been a balm and instructive to so many. 

 Just 36 dollars, a minimum donation, from a thousand of you out there will keep us afloat as a New Ark of straight, intelligent, and humorous discussion, lectures, debate and inquiry - while the destructive waters of ignorance and politics crash around us. 

Friday, June 14, 2024

Daily Zohar Al Pi PShat Day 19. 2b-3a: The Samech-Nun Connection - and a bit more on Peh

I like this one. I think it is a good example of what we're trying to to here. You may understand it even better in conjunction with the previous day's shiur,, but it stands on its own as well. 

I would love to receive comments.

Friday, June 07, 2024

Thursday, June 06, 2024

Shiur on B'Ikvos HaYirah: Gauging Interest UPDATED Again

Update II:

We have a quorum, I will begin recording next week, IYH.


The podcast address will be

בעקבות היראה

A podcast going through the Sefer B'Ikvos HaYirah by Rabbi Avrohom Eliyahu Kaplan zt"l.


So far I have only received three expressions of interest. I am waiting on at least five.

Shiur on B'Ikvos HaYirah: 
Gauging Interest

In the wake of

and similar recent posts, there has been some interest (see the comments there) in organizing a systematic series, either pre-recorded or on zoom, going through the B'Ikvos HaYirah.

If you are interested, please either respond in the comments here or by email to with your contact information and the format in which you would be interested in pursuing this limmud and we will see what we can do.

Rischa D'Araisa Season 9 Episode 15: "Temimos Tihiyennah" - The Sanctification of Sports Records

Rischa D'Araisa Season 9 Episode 15:

"Temimos Tihiyennah"
The Sanctification of Sports Records

Please click on this link to contribute whatever you can to keep this podcast on the air: 

With downloads approaching the million mark-and an archival library numbering in the thousands, the Yeshiva of Newark Podcast has been striving to continuously upgrade our content, and professionalize our audio sound, along with altering approaches in light of much appreciated listener feedback. 

A niche has been carved out that resonates with many on the wide spectrum of Observant Jews. 

This explains why we continually rank high in independent on-line lists of top Yeshiva podcasts. 

 This proud edifice is in real danger of toppling and disappearing. 

We need the help of our listeners to continue to record and edit, and to promote a product that has been a balm and instructive to so many. 

 Just 36 dollars, a minimum donation, from a thousand of you out there will keep us afloat as a New Ark of straight, intelligent, and humorous discussion,lectures, debate and inquiry - while the destructive waters of ignorance and politics crash around us. 

Friday, May 31, 2024

Rischa D'Araisa Season 9 Episode 14: The Slippery Slope of Coming to Kivrei Tzadikkim

Rischa D'Araisa Season 9 Episode 14:

The Slippery Slope of Coming to 

Kivrei Tzadikkim

Please click on this link to contribute whatever you can to keep this podcast on the air: 

With downloads approaching the million mark-and an archival library numbering in the thousands, the Yeshiva of Newark Podcast has been striving to continuously upgrade our content, and professionalize our audio sound, along with altering approaches in light of much appreciated listener feedback. 

A niche has been carved out that resonates with many on the wide spectrum of Observant Jews. 

This explains why we continually rank high in independent on-line lists of top Yeshiva podcasts. 

This proud edifice is in real danger of toppling and disappearing. 

We need the help of our listeners to continue to record and edit, and to promote a product that has been a balm and instructive to so many. 

Just 36 dollars, a minimum donation, from a thousand of you out there will keep us afloat as a New Ark of straight, intelligent, and humorous discussion, lectures, debate and inquiry - while the destructive waters of ignorance and politics crash around us. 

Sunday, May 26, 2024

New Series! Daily 5-10 Minutes of Zohar (as much as possible, al derech ha'pshat)


New Series! 
Daily 5-10 Minutes of Zohar 
(as much as possible, al derech ha'pshat)

An experiment. Daily (more or less) 5-10 minutes (more or less) of the Zohar HaKadosh. As much as possible, al derech ha'pshat. Based on the Nitutzei Oros by Rabbi Reuven Margolios. Going in order, according to the standard pagination. Credit is due to my colleague Rabbi Avraham Kivelevitz for the idea. The text divided by the standard pagination can be found atספר_הזהר

First shiur:

Playlist at:

Second shiur:

Please subscribe at YouTube to get daily notifications.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Rischa D'Araisa-Season 9 Episode 13: A Week Clothed in Bigdei Shesh: Rav Yosef's Disillusionment with Childhood Friends and Commemoration of Spiritual Heroes

Rischa D'Araisa-Season 9 Episode 13:

A Week Clothed in Bigdei Shesh:

Rav Yosef's Disillusionment with Childhood Friends and Commemoration of Spiritual Heroes

Please click on this link to contribute whatever you can to keep this podcast on the air: 

With downloads approaching the million mark-and an archival library numbering in the thousands, the Yeshiva of Newark Podcast has been striving to continuously upgrade our content, and professionalize our audio sound, along with altering approaches in light of much appreciated listener feedback. 

A niche has been carved out that resonates with many on the wide spectrum of Observant Jews. 

This explains why we continually rank high in independent on-line lists of top Yeshiva podcasts. 

 This proud edifice is in real danger of toppling and disappearing. 

We need the help of our listeners to continue to record and edit, and to promote a product that has been a balm and instructive to so many. 

Just 36 dollars, a minimum donation, from a thousand of you out there will keep us afloat as a New Ark of straight, intelligent, and humorous discussion, lectures, debate and inquiry - while the destructive waters of ignorance and politics crash around us. 

A Talk About Mussar With Rabbi Hillel Goldberg. Especially About Rabbi Avrohom Eliyahu Kaplan zt"l.

A Talk About Mussar With
Rabbi Hillel Goldberg
Especially About
Rabbi Avrohom Eliyahu Kaplan zt"l

Rabbi Dr. Hillel Goldberg of Denver is world-renowned for his work on Mussar. Among many books and articles, he has masterfully translated the B'Ikvos HaYirah essay.

In this wide-ranging talk, Rabbi Goldberg provides many fascinating points of information and insight on Reb Avrohom Elya specifically, but on many broader topics such as the Slabodka-Berlin interface, Mussar in general and the difference between inspiration and engagement.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Rav Kaplan zt"l - His Life and Weltanschauung

Rav Kaplan zt"l:
His Life and Weltanschauung

My presentation via Zoom today for the 100th yahrzeit Azkarah for Rabbi Avrohom Eliyahu Kaplan zt"l at the Rabbinerseminar in Berlin

עליה לקבר לרגל יום השנה המאה לפטירתו של מורינו רב אברהם אליהו קפלן זצ"ל

Rabbi Avrohom Eliyahu Kaplan 100th Yahrzeit Azkarah

Video of the:

Rabbi Avrohom Eliyahu Kaplan 
zt"l zy"a
100th Yahrzeit Azkarah 

Held at Cong. Anshei Palisades in Pomona, NY and Over Zoom
15 Iyar 5784, May 22, 2024

AI Summary:

"The meeting focused on the legacy of Rabbi Avraham Eliyahu Kaplan, highlighting his contributions to Jewish thought and his influence on both Lithuanian and German Jewry. We discussed Rabbi Kaplan's early life, his famous song Shak'ah Chamah, and his philosophical writings, including his views on Mussar and Hasidism. Rabbi Kaplan's ability to bridge the worlds of traditional Jewish learning and modern intellectualism was emphasized. The meeting also included a tribute to Rabbi Kaplan's impact on his students and his enduring relevance. A recording of a song composed by Rabbi Kaplan was played, and a visit to his gravesite in Berlin was mentioned."

We included my brother-in-law, Avy Schreiber's moving renditions of Shak'ah Chamah and Shir HaMa'alos, a special presentation by the Rosh Yeshiva of the Yeshiva of Greater Washington, Rabbi Aharon Lopiansky shlita, custom recorded for the event, and a clip of an aliyah la'kever in Berlin led by Yehuda Geberer of Jewish History Soundbites,

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

The 100th yahrzeit Azkarah for Rabbi Avrohom Eliyahu Kaplan at the Rabbinerseminar in Berlin, Videos

Available videos are embedded here.

Aliyah LaKever:

Yahrzeit Shiur by Rabbi Moshe Mordechai Farbstein:

My presentation:

Rabbi Chaim Avraham Eliyahu Kaplan and Rabbi Prof. Meir Hildesheimer:

Monday, May 20, 2024

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Rischa D'Araisa Season 9 Episode 12: The Dangers of Excess: Rav Yaakov Weinberg zt"l on Meir Kahane, Shlomo Carelbach, and Yitz Greenberg. With Rav Yochanan Meir Bechhofer

Rischa D'Araisa Season 9 Episode 12:

The Dangers of Excess:

Rav Yaakov Weinberg zt"l on 
Meir Kahane,
 Shlomo Carelbach,
 and Yitz Greenberg

With Rav Yochanan Meir Bechhofer

Please click on this link to contribute whatever you can to keep this podcast on the air:

 With downloads approaching the million mark-and an archival library numbering in the thousands, the Yeshiva of Newark Podcast has been striving to continuously upgrade our content, and professionalize our audio sound, along with altering approaches in light of much appreciated listener feedback. 
A niche has been carved out that resonates with many on the wide spectrum of Observant Jews. This explains why we continually rank high in independent on-line lists of top Yeshiva podcasts. This proud edifice is in real danger of toppling and disappearing. We need the help of our listeners to continue to record and edit, and to promote a product that has been a balm and instructive to so many. Just $36, a minimum donation, from a thousand of you out there will keep us afloat as a New Ark of straight, intelligent, and humorous discussion, lectures, debate and inquiry - while the destructive waters of ignorance and politics crash around us.