Sunday, December 27, 2020

Rischa D'Araisa Season 2-Episode 17-Responding to the Public: "Sheva Zekukin DiNura"- A Lightning Round with seven topics suggested by our listeners


Rischa D'Araisa Season 2-Episode 17-Responding to the Public: "Sheva Zekukin DiNura"- A Lightning Round with seven topics suggested by our listeners

Rabbis Bechhofer and Kivelevitz offer quick yet concise answers on selected queries from listeners over the past few months.

Topics dealt with

1. Political Hebraism of the founding fathers


3. The consistent ignoring of the ban on eulogies at funerals occurring on Rosh Chodesh, Chanukah and Erev Shabbos.

4. Greater exposure and circulation of the psakim and Divrei Torah of Rav Nota Tzvi Greenblatt Shlita

5. The permissibility of studying the works of Shmuel Dovid Luzzatto and others who denied the authenticity of the Zohar and the received mystical tradition.

6. The Agudah's vilifying of Yeshiva University and other centrist Orthodox groups and their Halachic positions.

7. Who chooses who are the 'gedolim'? What are the requirements to obtain a seat on the Moetzes?

Give us 35 minutes, we'll probably make someone angry.


  1. Al regel achas -- what differences (which directions?) if R' Notta had married a Feinstein? Or just please bookmark for a later post?

    I seem to only know R' Notta as a mesader Gittin, and hear about his outlook on relationships accordingly. Apparently I'm missing a lot.

    It says a lot about RMF as a father that he didn't force his kids to marry who he wanted. (Much like R' Moshe Soloveichik recognizing his son Shmuel wasn't cut out for rabbanus.)

    1. Okay one could argue in this alternate reality that swordfish would be kosher and brain-death treif; not sure about shellac or Thanksgiving ... but I'm missing the big-picture sociology here. I'd think YU would still be YU, no?

      If I'm not mistaken Rabbi Tendler said his wife ah"s first approached him in the library?

    2. My shutaf responds to your comments in the last segment of

    3. Thank you! Can't beat the service.
