Sunday, July 09, 2023

"Tech Talk"

This image was shared with me. It is from a publication called "Tech Talk" that is evidently distirubted in shuls in Lakewood, Monsey, and who knows where else. In another issue, the publication strongly implies that the tardiness of Moshiach is due to issues of the Internet and A.I.

תלי דתניא בדלא תניא

The סמ"ג says the exact opposite: That it is specifically because of the behavior implicitly condoned in this story, that we deceive and hoodwink the non-Jews,  that משיח is delayed!

Smag Aseh 74:

And I have already expounded to Galus Yerushalayim in Spain (Sefarad) and the other Galuyos under Christianity (Edom), that now that the Galus has lasted too long a Jew must separate himself from the frivolities (Hevlei) of the world and grasp the seal of Ha'Kadosh Baruch Hu, which is Truth, and not lie, neither to Jews nor to non-Jews, nor to deceive them in any matter, and to sanctify ourselves even in that which is permissible to us, as it says (Tzefani'a 3:13): "The remnant of Israel will not commit foul deeds nor speak falsehoods, nor will there be found in their mouths treacherous tongues." And then, when Ha'Kadosh Baruch Hu comes to redeem us the non-Jews will say that He is just in doing so, for we are men of truth and Toras Emes is in our mouths.

But if we conduct ourselves towards the non-Jews with deceit (Rama'us), then they will say: "See what Ha'Kadosh Baruch Hu has done, that He has chosen as His portion thieves and cheats."

Furthermore, it is written (Hoshe'a 2:25): "And I will plant them in the earth." Why does a person plant a measure of grain in the earth? In order to cultivate several measures. So too Ha'Kadosh Baruch Hu planted Yisroel in the various lands so that converts would join us. As long as we conduct ourselves amongst them with deceit who will cling to us? And, we find that Ha'Kadosh Baruch Hu was upset even by theft from evildoers, as it says(Bereishis 6:11): " And the land was filled with theft (Chamas)."

Further, I bring proof from the Yerushalmi Chapter Eilu Metzi'os (Halocho 5), where it says: "The elder rabbis (Rabbanan Savi'ai) bought a measure of grain from non-Jews and found within it a bundle of money. They returned it to them, and the non-Jews said: 'Blessed is the G-d of the Jews.'" Many similar stories of lost items that were returned to non-Jews because of Kiddush Hashem are related there.

1 comment:

  1. Sforno (on the second Tochacha, Devarim 28:15 says we've gotten super-pious about an ersatz set of practices we called religion (rather than the actual mitzvos we were given), and that *mishpat* was the first thing to go. This explains churban sheni, and why were' still not back.

    והתחיל בתוכחות באמרו אם לא תשמע בקול ה' אלהיך לשמור לעשות את כל מצותיו וחוקותיו **אשר אנכי מצוך היום.** וזה בלי ספק כאשר **הומרה שמירת מצות התורה במנהגים שונים וזולתם והוסג אחור משפט.**

    .. חזר ואמר כי לא שמעת בקול ה' אלהיך לשמור מצותיו וחוקותיו **אשר צוך** כלומר: **אבל שמרת מה שצוו או הנהיגו אחרי' זולתו אשר לא כתורתו** ... מרוב הפושעים בסוף בית שני **באופן שבטל כל משפט** כמו שספרו ז"ל שגברו בעלי זרוע כמו שהוא הענין היום עם כל גלותנו ושפלתנו שרב הממון בפרט החיב בדין מואס את תורת האל יתברך ומשפטי פיהו. ... ובכן ירדו לטמיון הם ונכסיהם ובאלה התבאר' סבת חורבן בית שני **והתמדת חורבנו בהתמדת סבתו**
