Sunday, August 31, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
An Aha! Moment
Since my book appeared I have also discovered many more letters, including a collection sent to one of the leaders of the yeshiva world (whose identity I am not at present able to divulge). In my Note on Sources, found after the preface, I mentioned that while such letters might cause me to reevaluate some of my conclusions, I was confident that the picture I presented would not be substantially altered. I was happy to see that nothing in these letters caused me to change any of my earlier thoughts.
WADR to Marc's judgment, I would like to see an impartial third party be the judge of whether and to what extent these new sources should "change any of [his] earlier thoughts"...
Sunday, August 24, 2008
On the plus side...
(name deleted)
Ramat Bet Shemesh
From one of my talmidim at OS
Hello RYGB,
If you have time can you please answer a big question ?
On divisions within Judaism
It is very funny and sad, that when people's opinion differ there is what I call random categorization that happens. For some reason people have a need of labeling other people? Your a left wing and I am a right or you are Haredi and I am not, Ultra Orthodox and modern.
All what these labels and categorization do is separate and distance people to the point that each has to go to his own shul, and live in a different community, and has his own shulchan aruch.
I often wonder when 600,000 Jews received the Torah did they all started labeling each other.
Did 600,000 Jews with 600,000 opinions started separating from each other due their hashkafas. Did say you are lefty (therefore wrong) and I am righty (therefore right).
Why is there a need to label different Jews? Why does disagreeing with another Jew we feel a need to separate ourselves. Do people honestly believe that calling somebody a liberal or a modern Jew makes you go to Heaven because you are more strict on Judaism while for whatever reason you give yourselves a Heter to say Loshan Hara about a group of Jews.
Anyway a person spins it, whenever he refers to a somebody as a lefty or a modern he has a negative connotation when he uses that term. He treats them differently and speaks to them differently, and I know we all think we are tzaddikim that we have only the most holy thouhgts in mind when say this but the bottom when we label somebody, we try to distance ourself, and inferiorize them.
There is joke, 2 Jews get stranded on a island and live there for 5 years togather. One day they are discovered, and they look at the place they build. There is 1 house, 1 hospital, 1 gym, etc.. and 2 shulls, They asked why do u have 2 shuls, they respond this is the 1 I go to, and this is the 1 he goes to.
On a more serious note a very interesting thing I read on exile of Jews from Spain, that may clarify what I am saying.
The following is taken for Anti-Maimonidean demons by Jose Faur
R. Solomon Al'ami (c. 1370-1420), himself a foe of philosophical studies, described the new ministry produced in Spain:
Some of our recent sages lost their way in the wilderness! They erred[even with] the most obvious! Because they hate and are jealous of each other, and put up for sale the Torah for presents. Their goal of their curriculum is to know how to read [the Torah] meticulously and
expand their own innovations. The study of Talmud and other works [also is wanting] because they are concerned with every minute detail of the law and the diVerent views and opinions [not with its sub-stance]. They thrust aside the humility of the virtuous, temperance
and holiness. What [one rabbi] instructs the other darkens; what [one rabbi] permits the other prohibits. Through their quarrels the Law had become two! They knit [their views] on a spider's web, embarrassing themselves and exposing their wickedness: their eyes are closed and cannot see; their hearts fail to understand. They show favor [when
issuing legal decisions] of the Law, and fail to tell the people their disgrace. Because God had poured over them a spirit of foolishness and had close their eyes. This is what disgraces the Torah in the eyes of all those who see and hear [them].
R. Solomon Al'ami, Iggeret Musar, A.A. Haberman, ed. ( Jerusalem, 1946), pp.40-41
Have a good day.
Rav Elyashiv shlita serves notice...
הגרי"ש אלישיב "אין לסמוך על תשובותי בעל פה"
שמעתי מפי עדים נאמנים ששמעו מחתנו של הרב אלישיב הגאון רבי עזריאל אויערבך שאמר להרב גלבר בעל האורחות שבת שלא יכתוב בספר אורחות שבת פסקים ששמע בע"פ מהגרי"ש אלישיב בשנים האחרונות.
ר' עזריאל נימק ואמר כי הרב אלישיב אמר לו שלא לסמוך להלכה למעשה על השאלות שנשאל בשנים האחרונות בעל פה (רק מה שבכתב), וזאת בגלל שהרב אלישיב אמר לו שמשיב לשואלים מה שנראה לו מסברה (הם הרי שואלים מה נראה לי נימק) ולא מתוך ידיעה ולכן לא לסמוך על הדברים הלכה למעשה.
עם זאת ציין כי השאלות שנשאל בעל פה בשנים מוקדמות יותר ניתן לסמוך גם הלכה למעשה, מה שאין כן בשנים האחרונות בהם הגרי"ש חלש יותר.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Following further links...
Looking a bit further at that site...
Thursday, August 21, 2008
שקעה חמה
The niggun used for RAEK's Shak'a Chama in its "original" (albeit this is subject to dispute, see the comments) usage for Tchernichovski's distinctly anti-religious "Ani Ma'amin." There is a Kol Isha issue with the main recording, although it is strictly speaking permissible (for me, at least), since I have no idea what the singer looks like. With the alternative recording there's much less of an issue, in any event, since it is sung by a large, mixed group.
The tune is actually pretty generically Russian folk-style. Frankly, I was always unhappy with RAEK's being so intextricably linked to this really out-of-character poem. Oh well, azoi hoht dehr Hashgocho ge'firt, v'im kabbalah he nekabbel.
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Respository of many MP3 files, mostly of talks I have given at OS
As of June 24, 2015, they are at
Index of /RYGB
Name Last modified Size Description
Parent Directory -
01-19-04_l'olam_vs_d..> 15-Jun-2008 01:21 12M
01-22-04_Melech_def-..> 15-Jun-2008 01:21 13M
03-14-04_renewal_rec..> 15-Jun-2008 01:21 8.4M
05-03-04_concentrati..> 15-Jun-2008 01:21 14M
05-03-04_concentrati..> 15-Jun-2008 01:21 1.1M
06-28-05_RamBam-phil..> 15-Jun-2008 01:21 7.3M
06-28-12_Obamacare.mp3 29-Jun-2012 00:54 15M
07-07-05_read-isnt-l..> 15-Jun-2008 01:21 7.8M
07-07-05_souls-goyim..> 15-Jun-2008 01:21 14M
07-08-12_17Tamuz_Tzo..> 08-Jul-2012 20:13 33M
07-14-04_yellow-pink..> 15-Jun-2008 01:21 12M
07-19-12_Rav_Elyashi..> 19-Jul-2012 23:55 18M
07-26-12_Kelm_Mussar..> 27-Jul-2012 01:36 16M
08-02-12_Tu-b-Av.mp3 03-Aug-2012 00:48 17M
08-27-07_darshining-..> 15-Jun-2008 01:21 9.6M
09-08-04_Chayai-ha-m..> 15-Jun-2008 01:21 11M
09-17-07_Talmud-Hist..> 15-Jun-2008 01:21 9.2M
09-22-04_Yushka_cenc..> 15-Jun-2008 01:21 13M
10-31-04_Smichah_ori..> 15-Jun-2008 01:21 8.8M
11-10-03_timelessnes..> 15-Jun-2008 01:21 8.3M
11-12-03_levels_of_r..> 15-Jun-2008 01:21 9.9M
11-29-04_HaShems-ess..> 15-Jun-2008 01:21 9.3M
13 Principles of Faith/ 19-Jun-2011 20:57 -
Aggadata/ 19-Jun-2011 21:05 -
Alu v'Alu/ 19-Jun-2011 21:10 -
BadOrthodox-calcontr..> 15-Jun-2008 01:21 13M
Careers and Torah Life/ 19-Jun-2011 21:12 -
Chabad/ 19-Jun-2011 21:17 -
Drugs_rambam-on-ange..> 27-Nov-2008 23:39 29M
Goyish Music.mp3 15-Jun-2008 01:21 11M
Halachic Times of Day/ 19-Jun-2011 21:25 -
Hashkafah-rant_apiko..> 15-Jun-2008 01:21 13M
History-israel-rebbe..> 15-Jun-2008 01:21 13M
Lag_bOmer/ 09-May-2012 23:50 -
Levaiathon_abominabl..> 27-Nov-2008 23:39 11M
Magic_real-or-no.mp3 15-Jun-2008 01:21 9.6M
Magic_superstition_a..> 15-Jun-2008 01:21 3.7M
Mishpatim-Justice/ 19-Jun-2011 21:28 -
Monetary_Obligations/ 25-Oct-2011 20:10 -
Mussar/ 19-Jun-2011 21:37 -
Nach_Ovadiah/ 09-May-2012 23:45 -
Nachash/ 16-Feb-2012 23:52 -
Overview-shas-commen..> 15-Jun-2008 01:21 12M
Overview-shas-pg-com..> 15-Jun-2008 01:21 13M
Pesach/ 30-Mar-2012 00:32 -
Prayer/ 25-Feb-2012 23:53 -
Purim/ 30-Mar-2012 00:29 -
Rabbeinu Gershom's D..> 19-Jun-2011 22:07 -
RavDessler-giving-ta..> 27-Nov-2008 03:54 26M
Rov_and_Kavua/ 28-Jul-2011 23:59 -
Science and Torah/ 19-Jun-2011 22:14 -
Techelis/ 19-Jun-2011 22:16 -
The Nature of Sin/ 19-Jun-2011 22:31 -
Torah Scripts - Ashu..> 19-Jun-2011 22:35 -
Torah_Im_Derech_Eretz/ 15-Jun-2012 00:03 -
Ways2learnGemara-uni..> 15-Jun-2008 01:21 12M
Women/ 19-Jun-2011 22:42 -
Zera-valatala-bad-or..> 27-Nov-2008 23:39 17M
chassidim-no-learn-e..> 28-Nov-2008 00:39 10M
chassidus_daven-late..> 28-Nov-2008 00:39 14M
crazy-story-of-tryin..> 27-Nov-2008 23:39 27M
devorah_bitachon.mp3 27-Nov-2008 23:38 31M
evangilize-goyim_for..> 28-Nov-2008 00:39 14M
gan-eden_gehennum-mo..> 15-Jun-2008 01:21 10M
gilgulim-true-or-no_..> 28-Nov-2008 00:39 12M
green-book-cheat_bei..> 27-Nov-2008 23:38 29M
history_shabsai-tzvi..> 27-Nov-2008 23:39 13M
learn-nach-like-neva..> 27-Nov-2008 23:38 24M
levaiathon_chazal-co..> 28-Nov-2008 00:39 12M
levels-of-holiness_k..> 15-Jun-2008 01:21 8.1M
lillith-demons_wasti..> 27-Nov-2008 23:39 24M
maharal-no-make-gole..> 27-Nov-2008 23:38 13M
manna_holy-eating_dr..> 28-Nov-2008 00:39 12M
misc_devora_girsa-ch..> 27-Nov-2008 23:38 28M
misc_search4kula_gem..> 28-Nov-2008 00:39 12M
misuse-of-rambam_ola..> 28-Nov-2008 00:39 12M
moshiach_chutzpah_as..> 15-Jun-2008 01:21 6.5M
moshiach_rambam_goan..> 27-Nov-2008 23:38 7.9M
mussar-vs-brisk_chab..> 27-Nov-2008 23:38 21M
nach_kiruv-bad-or-go..> 27-Nov-2008 23:39 22M
old-eurpoe-contraver..> 28-Nov-2008 00:39 13M
origins-kabbalah-zoh..> 15-Jun-2008 01:21 13M
paos-razer-beards_ks..> 27-Nov-2008 23:38 16M
papersmicha_shulchan..> 15-Jun-2008 01:21 12M
pinchas-eliyahu_avra..> 27-Nov-2008 23:39 24M
pre-purim_daven-drun..> 28-Nov-2008 00:39 14M
ramchal-keeps-gettin..> 28-Nov-2008 00:39 12M
reason4reform-cons_e..> 28-Nov-2008 00:39 13M
secular-studies_viln..> 28-Nov-2008 00:39 11M
visions-angels-medip..> 27-Nov-2008 23:39 23M
yoshon_chadash_hecsh..> 15-Jun-2008 01:21 13M