Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Tzedakah and Ma'aser Kesafim, part 6 (Conclusion): Testing Hashem By Giving Tzedakah

Tzedakah and Ma'aser Kesafim
Part 6 (Conclusion): 

Testing Hashem 
By Giving Tzedakah

The marei mekomos for the Shiur:

After the shiur, I found the Gra in Kesser Rosh:

Links to the rest of the series are in the comments at:

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

The Gates of the Jewish Calendar, part 1

The Gates of the Jewish Calendar, part 1

The series is based on שערים ללוח העברי by רחמים שר שלום הכהן

Links to subsequent shiurim in the series are in the comments to this post.

A video of the author giving a shiur is at

The Google Translate version of the the text on the sefer's page

In 5727, Rabbi Rahamim Sher-Shalom published the small and important book 'The Basics of the Hebrew Calendar', which concisely covered the basics of the Hebrew Calendar and brought great benefit to its users; but the expansion of the circle of those interested in the subject and the increase in the level of knowledge of many of them led the author, after 17 years, to compose his great book 'Shearim to the Hebrew Calendar' (Netanya 5744). This book is unique in its appearance - an album edition (x3525 cm!), 235 pages, where each page includes one topic or sub-topic in the clear and precise handwriting of the author [!], including charts and tables - all 'handmade'! 14 detailed pages in the book (hence its name) that include many chapters on the days of migration, the basics of the calendar (including appointments and postponements), the dates and their times, The day and its parts, the homelands, the periods, comparisons between the Hebrew calendar and the other calendars, and much more. A complete picture of all the basic knowledge necessary to understand the various topics related to the Hebrew calendar, in clear and simple language, which meets the expectations of every 'beginner' - and also the requirements of an 'advanced' who wishes to deepen and expand his knowledge on this important subject, which includes a special combination of Torah and wisdom. The author took into account that not all students of the book want to delve deeper into the set of topics, and therefore included on the second page of each cover a summary of the material presented in the chapter, while in the body of the chapter the topics are presented in detail. A revised and expanded new edition from 5769. The new edition that came out after 25 years is based on the good old one, with the addition of new pages and parts of pages written this time in printed letters (which highlights throughout the book the additions and changes in the new edition). The importance of the book 'Gates to the Hebrew Calendar' and its usefulness to the learner, researcher and anyone interested in the Jewish calendar cannot be overstated. This is a treasure that deserves to be found in every home.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Shiur on Bishul in Yoreh Deah and on Shabbos (Yoreh Deah 105:2)

A "lomdishe" shiur given at the Belzer Kollel in Monsey on Kli Rishon, Irui Kli Rishon, and Kli Sheni.

A nice thank you note from the Hanholas HaKollel that came with a cake for Shabbos!

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Sunday, July 09, 2023

More of Why We Do What We Do...

From a parent:

Rabbi Bechhofer, I just wanted to drop a note letting you know how excited ... is for these shiurim. We are B”H in Eretz Yisrael and both this week and last, he was begging me to wake him at 2:20 am to log in live. I did not acquiesce, but he watched the recorded shiur last week and looked riveted. 

Thank you for the shiur!

On Sun, Jul 9, 2023 at 6:41 PM Yosef Gavriel Bechhofer <> wrote:

The summer shiur continues tonight, Sunday at 7:20 pm, and will continue on Sundays (except when I will be unavailable) at the same time throughout the summer.

"Tech Talk"

This image was shared with me. It is from a publication called "Tech Talk" that is evidently distirubted in shuls in Lakewood, Monsey, and who knows where else. In another issue, the publication strongly implies that the tardiness of Moshiach is due to issues of the Internet and A.I.

תלי דתניא בדלא תניא

The סמ"ג says the exact opposite: That it is specifically because of the behavior implicitly condoned in this story, that we deceive and hoodwink the non-Jews,  that משיח is delayed!

Smag Aseh 74:

And I have already expounded to Galus Yerushalayim in Spain (Sefarad) and the other Galuyos under Christianity (Edom), that now that the Galus has lasted too long a Jew must separate himself from the frivolities (Hevlei) of the world and grasp the seal of Ha'Kadosh Baruch Hu, which is Truth, and not lie, neither to Jews nor to non-Jews, nor to deceive them in any matter, and to sanctify ourselves even in that which is permissible to us, as it says (Tzefani'a 3:13): "The remnant of Israel will not commit foul deeds nor speak falsehoods, nor will there be found in their mouths treacherous tongues." And then, when Ha'Kadosh Baruch Hu comes to redeem us the non-Jews will say that He is just in doing so, for we are men of truth and Toras Emes is in our mouths.

But if we conduct ourselves towards the non-Jews with deceit (Rama'us), then they will say: "See what Ha'Kadosh Baruch Hu has done, that He has chosen as His portion thieves and cheats."

Furthermore, it is written (Hoshe'a 2:25): "And I will plant them in the earth." Why does a person plant a measure of grain in the earth? In order to cultivate several measures. So too Ha'Kadosh Baruch Hu planted Yisroel in the various lands so that converts would join us. As long as we conduct ourselves amongst them with deceit who will cling to us? And, we find that Ha'Kadosh Baruch Hu was upset even by theft from evildoers, as it says(Bereishis 6:11): " And the land was filled with theft (Chamas)."

Further, I bring proof from the Yerushalmi Chapter Eilu Metzi'os (Halocho 5), where it says: "The elder rabbis (Rabbanan Savi'ai) bought a measure of grain from non-Jews and found within it a bundle of money. They returned it to them, and the non-Jews said: 'Blessed is the G-d of the Jews.'" Many similar stories of lost items that were returned to non-Jews because of Kiddush Hashem are related there.

Wednesday, July 05, 2023

Worthy Tzedakah in Israel

This is for the Israelis here, as I don't know how you can donate from Chu"l. I know the woman in charge of the tzedakah and can vouch for her idealism and integrity:

תודה רבה!

---------- Forwarded message ---------

מאת: אופירה אנטמן <>

‪Date: יום ד׳, 5 ביולי 2023, 13:41‬

‪Subject: פניה דחופה‬

To: <>

חברים יקרים!

הפניה אליכם בהחלט דחופה.

התקבלו בעמותת "בואו לשלום" פניות רבות של משפחות חדשות הזקוקות לסלי מזון. הילדים בבית בחופשה והמקררים ריקים. הילדים גדלו וצריכים בגדים חדשים, וישנן פניות גם לתרופות.

ישנה פניה של אם צעירה ל חמישה ילדים ( אבא מובטל)- האמא קבלה אירוע מוחי פתאומי ויש לה שיתוק באחד מצידי הגוף .משפחה זו זקוקה גם למזון וגם לתרופות יקרות.

וישנו חייל בודד, אנחנו עוזרים לו במזון ומנסים לגייס עבורו את תשלום שכר הלימוד לשנה"ל הבאה לאוניברסיטה, ע"מ על מנת לתת לו עוגן ואיזה שהוא בסיס קיומי.בשבועיים הקרובים נפעל לעניין מזון, בגדים ותרופות, מקווה שנצליח בהמשך לפעול לעניין סיוע ברכישת ספרי לימוד, ילקוטים וציוד לביה"ס.

כל תרומה שלכם תתקבל בברכה.

אפשר לציין למה ברצונכם לייעד את התרומה.

אפשר לתרום במזומן או באמצעות המחאה, ביט או העברה בנקאית לחשבון העמותה שמספרו 395776

, בבנק מזרחי טפחות קרני שומרון, שמספרו 483.

בברכה לקיץ בריא ורגוע.

היו ברוכים.


Monday, July 03, 2023

Emunah, A Shiur for Young Women: What and Why We Believe, pa...

Links to subsequent shiurim in the series are in the comments to this post.

Update שלהי מנחם-אב תשפ"ג לפ"ק:

It is appropriate during these days of Shiva of מורי ורבי הגאון הצדיק הרב משה יחיאל צוריאל זצ"ל
for me to acknowledge the tremendous influence he had upon me in my years at Sha'alvim and beyond, and to note that these shiurim in Emunah are taken from his sefer אוצרות המוסר. I was exposed to these passages in their original appearance in the בית יחזקאל when I had to prepare to give a shiur to visiting תיכוניסטים on their שבוע ישיבה. I figured, no time like the present to learn about Emunah myself so I could impart what I learned to others!

Emunah, A Shiur for Young Men: What and Why We Believe, part 1

Links to subsequent shiurim in the series are in the comments to this post.

Update שלהי מנחם-אב תשפ"ג לפ"ק:

It is appropriate during these days of Shiva of מורי ורבי הגאון הצדיק הרב משה יחיאל צוריאל זצ"ל
for me to acknowledge the tremendous influence he had upon me in my years at Sha'alvim and beyond, and to note that these shiurim in Emunah are taken from his sefer אוצרות המוסר. I was exposed to these passages in their original appearance in the בית יחזקאל when I had to prepare to give a shiur to visiting תיכוניסטים on their שבוע ישיבה. I figured, no time like the present to learn about Emunah myself so I could impart what I learned to others!