Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Rescheduled Inaugural Shiur: "Avodas Hashem for Grownups: HaMaspik L'Ovdei Hashem of R' Avraham ben HaRambam"

The Guide to Serving G-d

Due to technical difficulties last week,

 the inaugural shir will be this 

Thursday night, Feb. 20th

11:00 pm- 11:20 pm EST

10:00-10:20 pm CST, 8:00-8:20 pm PST

 A new weekly va'ad via Google Hangouts  and

 Avodas Hashem for Grownups 

 HaMaspik l'Ovdei Hashem 

 by Rabbeinu Avraham ben HaRambam 

From the Haskomos to the new translation:

Participate interactively through Google Hangout

Invitations to the Hangout will go out 

shortly before the shiur by prior request and via Google+.


Watch the live Simulcast at