Evidence of Sodom? Meteor blast cause of biblical destruction, say scientists | The Times of Israel:
Multi-disciplinary team of scientists uses 3,700-year-old archaeological evidence from Jordan's Tall el-Hammam Excavation Project to understand end to civilization near Dead Sea.
Very interesting.I think they're arguing that it's the origin for the story recounted in Bereshis of S'dom. In other words, there's a historical basis behind the story not necessarily that the story itself is literally true.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I'm unaware of any commentator that says that the destruction of s'dom was due to a meteoric airburst.
Also, One should not lose site of the fact that that identification is heavily disputed.See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sodom_and_Gomorrah#Historicity second paragraph.
I have some material on arguments for the historicity of Yetzias Mitzrayim. Should I send it to you? (I need to find it)