Sunday, December 15, 2019

All audio recordings have been fixed - Yerushalmi Online

All audio recordings have been fixed - Yerushalmi Online

As of December 14, 2019 all Yerushalmi audio recordings that have been missing or incorrect were replaced with new recordings done by Rabbi Bechhofer. The updated recording are marked in orange color in database and have their new dates shown. Enjoy.

Yasher koach to Reb Eli Gurevich נ"י on his tremendous efforts to further the learning of Yerushalmi. Dozens of people have contacted me over the years to express their hakoras hatov for being able to learn Yerushalmi through these shiurim. May our collaboration continue to make the Yerushalmi accessible to more and more learners.

A special thank you to my cousin, Reb Aharon Robbins נ"י, who drove me to complete the missing and incorrect shiurim and recorded them with me.

Thanks again to the original מסיימים of Daf Yomi Yerushalmi with me, Reb Joel Zuger ז"ל and יבדלו לחיים טובים וארוכים, Rabbi Meyer Magence and Dr. David Spindel.

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