Thursday, October 13, 2022

Rischa D'Araisa Season 6 Episode 6: Yom Tov Sheni for the Visitor to Eretz Yisroel: Halacha Tinged with Sentiment

Rischa D'Araisa Season 6 Episode 6:

Yom Tov Sheni for the Visitor to Eretz YisroelHalacha Tinged with Sentiment

The Teshuvas HaGeonim mentioned in the podcast can be found at:

A playlist with all my shiurim on this teshuvah can be found at:

1 comment:

  1. Any of today's poskim/morei hora'ah who follow RMF's consistent-across-the-Igros approach that economics come first and foremost in determining where you "are"? I agree with Chacham Ovadiah zt'l that a lot of Shanah Alef folks may become Shana Ad-Meah-Ve'srim folks, but if the entire plan consists of calling Mommy & Daddy in Flatbush for money ... (or is the plan to at some point instead ask the Memshala for money as you keep cursing it out for being anti-Torah?)

    RMF totally shuts down R' Asher Rubinstein about keeping one day when there is zero economic plan. He totally shuts him down about switching to Nusach Sfard. (In both cases, Rubinstein is convinced that his frum, "normal" father is all wrong.) At that point ... if Rubinstein wrote to Rav Moshe again, we don't see it in the Igros! (At least not through Vol. 8.)

    May your relative have a speedy and complete recovery. It's a powerful point about being on the receiving end of a Bikur Cholim.
