Sunday, May 26, 2024

New Series! Daily 5-10 Minutes of Zohar (as much as possible, al derech ha'pshat)


New Series! 
Daily 5-10 Minutes of Zohar 
(as much as possible, al derech ha'pshat)

An experiment. Daily (more or less) 5-10 minutes (more or less) of the Zohar HaKadosh. As much as possible, al derech ha'pshat. Based on the Nitutzei Oros by Rabbi Reuven Margolios. Going in order, according to the standard pagination. Credit is due to my colleague Rabbi Avraham Kivelevitz for the idea. The text divided by the standard pagination can be found atספר_הזהר

First shiur:

Playlist at:

Second shiur:

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