Thursday, August 01, 2024

BINA Fundraiser in honor of my father in law's yahrzeit

From my wife:

The yahrtzeit of my beloved father, Bert Schreiber z”l, is coming up soon - the 11th day of Av.  He was a brilliant mathematics professor, a respected and beloved leader in his community and shul, a warm and generous person who radiated simchas hachaim and welcomed each and every meshulach into his home so that he could listen to them attentively and respectfully.  He adored his children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren ka”h, he loved to learn and teach Torah, and he lived his life with a strong sense of ethics and purpose.

When my father was afflicted by a stroke, and a rare one at that, it was the people at BINA-Stroke & Brain Injury Assistance on whom we came to lean the most.  They helped us to identify the best doctors, rehabs, and therapists.  They collaborated with other organizations to help us navigate our way through every maze and over every hurdle.  They educated, guided, and encouraged us.  They visited and got to know my father, checking in with me when they hadn’t heard from me in a few days.

My family and I are so grateful to Chavie Glustein and everyone at BINA ( for all they did to transform my father’s last months from an ordeal to a time full of healing and bonding and beautiful moments.  Now more than ever, it is imperative that they be able to expand their services and their staff. 

BINA is adding a department to assist with insurance issues, a crucial element.  They are establishing a Florida branch.  And they are expanding their support of spinal injury in addition to strokes and TBI’s. 

L’iluy nishmaso (in memory of my father), I am once again seeking to raise funds TODAY for this important but little-known organization.  Please donate by clicking here:

If you have any questions about this, feel free to email or call me.


Shani Bechhofer

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