Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Rischa D'Araisa Season 6 Episode 17: Let's Use Shovavim to Rid Ourselves of the Machshavos Zaros in Toras Avigdor!

Rischa D'Araisa Season 6 Episode 17:

Let's Use Shovavim to Rid Ourselves of the Machshavos Zaros in Toras Avigdor!

The two issues of Toras Avigdor Jr. referenced in the podcast appear below.



  1. I read the "Toras Jr." shown here before listening to the podcast, and exclaimed: "if we want our kids to wind up in Otisville, keep pushing this stuff." Baruch shekivanti (almost verbatim) ledivrei chachamim!

    *Chadesh yameinu k'kedem* - Richard Scary showed us a mayor busy planning new road-building. What's so horrible if kids grow up thinking that way?

  2. Hit the nail on the hand for this brand, sadly: "Your holiness and religiosity are defined by who you hate, and the more you hate, the more holy you are."

    See Darash Moshe on Vayechi. "Baruch shem k'vod malchuso" is recited only when the entire crowd are tzadikim. (Yaakov had it, Moshe did not.) The reason we whisper it daily is to remind *ourselves* that what we wish for, and what we should try to focus on, is good people.

  3. The Jr. is put out by a different author - a sephardi it so happens- than the main
