As it is written here in the Megillah, with the vav, ויין מלכות is in gimatriya the equivalent of 572, סוד ברוך מרדכי and סוד ארור המן, or, of course, יין ברוך מרדכי or יין ארור המן - and this ties in to וכלים מכלים שונים - as we saw in the Likkutei Torah in the previous post, no matter whether the vessels and measures are good or bad, it all must be used as best as possible for the purpose of the good.
The Gemara in Megillah 12a says that each person was given to drink wine older than himself. This seems to be a hint to the oath that a person takes before he is born (Niddah 30b), that he should conduct himself properly in this world. This means that yein malchus should be wine that brings the middah of Malchus into the world - to be a tzaddik and not a rasha.
And the next pasuk clarifies that everyone drank as they saw fit, everyone has free will to go in either direction, כרצון איש ואיש - like the Gemara there in Megillah says, Ish va'Ish are Mordechai and Haman. Everyone has free will to follow in one direction or the other.
But ויין מלכות is in gimatriya also the equivalent of סוד תקב - the secret of 502, the 502 combined years of the lives of the Avos. The mitzvos we do are our way of fulfilling the charge of the Tanna d'Bei Eliyahu (Rabbah 25) לעולם חייב אדם לומר מתי יגיעו מעשי למעשי אבותי אברהם יצחק ויעקב - and to merit the מעשה אבות סימן לבנים.
To be continued, IYH.
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