Wednesday, March 01, 2023

Toras Purim 5783 Part 2: Yavo HaMelech V'Haman Hayom

Toras Purim 5783 Part 2: Yavo HaMelech V'Haman Hayom

We have noted in the past, that it is known that it is possible (and correct al pi Kabbalah) to interpret the Shem Hashem as an acronym for Yismechu HaShomayim V’sagel Ha’aretz.

In other words, until Amalek is eradicated the Shem Hashem is incomplete, it is only Y-H, the Shomayim can be b'simcha because it is not tainted by the presence of Amalek, but the Aretz cannot rejoice because of existence of Evil.

This is hinted here in the Megillah, Yavo HaMelech V'Haman Hayom. Today, in the world of HaYom La'Asosam, we still experience the evil and animosity of Amalek. We yearn for when Yavo HaMelech, when the Shechinah can expand to this realm, for the complete manifestation of the Shem Havaya"h. The Hayom also references by contradistinction the Machar at the end of Parashas Beshalach. Hayom, Amalek is empowered; Machar  we will fight and overcome him.

There is an additional manner in which to identify the Shem Havaya"h here, in that the first two letters of V'Haman are the last two letters of the Shem as well. And this is because the fixing of the Evil represented by Haman is by the last two letters of the Shem. The V-H are 11, going beyond the zone in which the 10 Sefiros are operative, in which there is at least some light, if only kelipas nogah, to the zone of the eleventh stanza of Keil Mistater, that of the Aluf (which is the title of the progeny of Esav, those of Malchusa B'Lo Taga - kings without crowns, without connection back to Keser) Lo Yireh Me'oros. The Seforim say this is manifest in the nun sofis of Haman, the ragleha yordos maves

This is the difference between HaMelech and Haman, which are, of course, both 95 in gimatriya. I have to try to remember where it is in Reb Tzadok, but he explains so profoundly that the nun sofis represents nefilah because its top line is very narrow, insufficient to anchor in on high when imperiled by the Sitra Achara. Whereas the chaf sofis at the end of HaMelech is anchored by a broad line, on account of its connection to the lamed, the only letter that goes above the line, stretching up towards Shomayim (the seforim say the lamed is a migdal ha'porei'ach ba'avir, and that Knesses Yisroel the princess that lives in that tower).

When the heh ilo'oh of HaMelech extends via the vav ha'chibbur to the malchus of heh tato'oh, the remaining letters of both words are 90 in gimatriya, tzaddik yesod olam.

IYH, more to come.

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