Thursday, February 04, 2021

Rischa D'Araisa - Season 2 Episode 22: Mussar in the Extreme: What if the Novardok system had been successfully transplanted to the United States?

Rischa D'Araisa - Season 2 Episode 22:

Mussar in the Extreme:

What if the Novardok system had been successfully transplanted to the United States?

The Wikipedia entry on Novardok: 


  1. 1) The author of Emunah u'Bitachon while indeed it was an indirect critique, it was a backhanded compliment as much. I heard from an elite source that he understood they were mature enough to appreciate the criticism.
    And that is indeed what happened.
    He also intended further sections to take apart chassidus and various streams of religious zionism but dropped the idea because he understood their adherents were not up to the level of dealing with the criticism.

    2) I knew several talmidei chachamim who had learned previously in Novardok before moving on to other places and all-with the exception of one-were rather sheepish about it. In those bygone days, it was not considered scholastically up to the other institutions.

    3) showing once again that you are dated as nowadays among the millennials, Novardok has become 'cool', though they have little understanding of the connotations.

  2. That said, the discussion was poignant, overdue and critical and the beginning hopefully of a public conversation.
