Tuesday, May 09, 2023

Rischa D'Araisa Season 7 Episode 3: System Overhaul Show: Emes VeEmunah: Tzu Vemmen? Volozhin and Frankfurt: To Who? Girls and Gemara: L'Me?

Rischa D'Araisa Season 7 Episode 3:

System Overhaul Show:

Emes VeEmunah: Tzu Vemmen?

Volozhin and Frankfurt: To Who? 

Girls and Gemara: L'Me?


1 comment:

  1. I thought the conversation was interesting on whether it was appropriate to ask a Gadol HaDor for pshat in a particular matter one was learning.

    A.) Would it have been more acceptable if the person asking was a kollel man vice a Michlala talmida?

    B.) I think it gets to the question of "what is a gadol, and what is their role?"
